Star Trek: Enterprise – Borderland

“Borderland” is episode four of season four of Star Trek: Enterprise.

A Klingon Bird of Prey has detected a transport shuttle with engines down, no armaments and two human biosigns. The captain orders it be tractored in and a squad to the docking port. Two humans are brought onboard; one of them is hit in the chest with the butt of a weapon. To absolutely no effect. He sends the Klingon flying. Both humans take down the Klingons easily. On the bridge, the captain is saying to contact the High Council for instructions when he’s told there’s weapons fire near the brig. Then the humans arrive and shoot.

A prisoner is told he has a visitor; given that Brent Spiner plays the man, it comes as no surprise to find he’s called Soong. A doctor of some description. Captain Archer is the visitor; he wants to ask some questions of Soong. Soong says he can make time; it’s not every day that he speaks to the man who saved the planet. He apologises for all the paper; he isn’t allowed electronic devices. It seems he escaped using a PADD. Soong explains when he’s stuck on a problem, a vigorous escape event clears the head. The papers have various DNA sequences. Genetic engineering. None will ever be done and every few months they are destroyed. Archer explains a Bird of Prey was attacked and DNA was recovered from the jettisoned bodies. Soong guesses human. Not quite. Augments. Matching the embryos that Soong stole from e medical facility over 20 years ago.

Enterprise is still in spacedock and it looks like the senior staff have been brought back from their vacations. Soon worked at a top-secret medical station where genetically engineered embryos left over from the Eugenics Wars were stored. He took them to Trialas IV but when they were 10 years old, he was captured. Soong thinks he can convince them to surrender. They were in the Borderland, the volatile region between the Klingon Empire and the Orion Syndicate. The Klingons have threatened to retaliate. This is the fastest ship and the most experienced crew. They need to find the Augments, bring them back and avert a war.

The Bird of Prey is in orbit. The Augment who took it, Malik, isn’t their leader. He, Raakin, is not happy about the attack. Malik brought attention to them. They are going to bring supplies onboard and leave orbit.

Soong is brought to Enterprise. He seems pleased to see T’Pol. This does not appear to be mutual. Soong would like a lab to examine the DNA. Perhaps sickbay; he’s heard good things of Phlox. On the bridge, Trip is fitting a new captain’s chair and asks T’Pol if she enjoyed her honeymoon after she got married in the previous episode, “Home”. Hoshi informs the captain they’re cleared for launch.

In his ready room, the captain tells T’Pol a Klingon warship was spotted near Proxima Colony. Possibly conducting recon for a future strike. She says the Vulcans are trying to work out a diplomatic solution. There’s a chance they will be successful. As this is T’Pol’s first official day of duty for Starfleet, the captain has a present for her. A 20th century compass.

In sickbay, Phlox also doesn’t seem that impressed with Soong. No, he doesn’t share humanity’s attitude to genetic engineering; Denobulans have used it for over two centuries. However, Soong tried to redesign the species and the first attempt led to over 30 million dead in wars. Scientists are supposed to learn from past mistakes. And, seeing Soong’s work, he can see Soong hasn’t.

Enterprise comes under fire from Orion Interceptors. And then several crewmembers, including T’Pol, are beamed off and the Interceptors jump to warp. Archer speaks to Soong who says they will have been taken to a processing station. To become slaves. They’re heavily guarded and only legitimate traders are allowed to enter. The captain has a feeling Soong found his way in. Soong can get them inside, but not out.

Malik is speaking to another Augment, Persis, who seems to be attached to Raakin. It seems neither is that happy with Raakin’s plans.

T’Pol and the other crew of the Enterprise are fitted with devices to keep them obedient. It will also make getting them out more difficult than a simple beam out. And they’re going to be sold.

Enterprise needs to not only rescue their captured crew; they also need to find the Augments and capture them before they cause a war with the Klingon Empire. The story continues in the next episode, “Cold Station 12”.

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