Star Trek: Enterprise – Cold Station 12

“Cold Station 12” is episode five of season four of Star Trek: Enterprise.

In the previous episode, “Borderland”, the Augments took Soong from Enterprise. This episode opens 11 years earlier as Soong is telling the Augment children about the Eugenics Wars and how, when they were over, people like them were feared. Humans will always fear their power and intellect because they are everything humans want to be but can’t be. He brought them there to be safe, and one day they will fulfil humanity’s promise. Malik asks if there are others like them. Yes, many others are waiting asleep and someday their duty will eb to wake them. In the present, on the Bird of Prey, Soong is planning the attack on Cold Station 12. He rejects Malik’s proposal which would have killed everyone. Soong doesn’t want anyone killed.

Enterprise has gone to Trialas IV and they are looking at where the Augments lived. The discover that the Augments took some kind of medical equipment with them. There’s someone else there and he ends up attacking the captain, when Archer says he’s from Earth, only for the captain to easily take him down.

On the Bird of Prey, Malik enters Soong’s quarters. Soong is reminiscing about Raakin. He asks Malik where his brother is. Malik says he’s dead. He didn’t want to liberate the others. Malik killed him. Malik then lies about how this happened, claiming it was an accident that Raakin provoked and Soong believes him. Soong says it’s his fault for leaving the Augments alone.

Archer heads to sickbay where Phlox tells him that the attacker isn’t an Augment. He’s an anomaly, born without enhanced abilities. The other, Udar, says his brothers and sisters called him Smike, from Nicholas Nickleby. Archer wants to know where the others are. Udar won’t tell him, because he says the captain is from Earth and wants to kill them. The captain says they are in danger from the Klingons; Udar says they will kill any Klingons sent after them. Trip contacts the captain; the missing medical equipment in incubators.

Malik is with Persis; he seems to be getting disillusioned with Soong. Augments should be led by Augments.

On Enterprise, they are discussing Cold Station 12. A medical facility run by Starfleet and Denobulans where highly virulent diseases are kept for research purposes. And where there are over 1,800 more Augment embryos. T’Pol asks why they weren’t destroyed after the war. Because it was too controversial. Admiral Forrest has authorised any force necessary.

A Denobulan medical ship receives a distress call. When it arrives at the coordinates, it’s tractored by the Bird of Prey.

The captain arrives in sickbay again. He tells Phlox that Dr Jeremy Lucas, Phlox’s friend, is the senior medical director. Phlox spent a few months at the facility; he wants to come with. The captain agrees, then speaks to Udar, inviting him to join Archer in the captain’s mess. Udar asks if he has a choice. He does not.

The Augments use the Denobulan ship to infiltrate Cold Station 12. Dr Lucas is told there is a problem and then gas starts coming through the vents. He activates a security alert as everyone collapses.

The captain is dining with Udar. Udar thinks he will be punished, because Soong told him he would go to prison. The captain says that’s not true. He has details on Udar’s biological parents.

Soong doesn’t want to kill anyone, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to hurt them. Malik would rather kill people than merely hurt them. Malik is starting to chafe under Soong’s leadership, and Soong may soon discover some of the problems with Augments.

A cliff-hanger ending leading into “The Augments”.

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