Manifest – Water Landing

“Water Landing” is episode five of season three of Manifest.

The episode starts 5 months ago and Emmett is disposing of the Major who Saanvi killed in “Icing Conditions”. A cop comes to cite him for a noise violation, but he manages to talk her out of it. Otherwise, he would have killed her.

In the present, Jared is speaking to the woman who made the noise complaint. It seems she took photos.

Drea and Michaela and armed police are heading to the camper whose location Pete gave them in the previous episode, “Tailspin”. Baylor isn’t there and he’s been gone 24-48 hours. There’s something drawn on the wall in blood and Michaela has a calling of a shadowy figure attacking her.

Outside, Drea wants to know what Michaela saw. Michaela ends up explaining the callings and what she just saw. She wants Drea to look for Baylor; Michaela needs to find Ben.

Angelina is talking to Pete in prison and is reassuring him. He says the calling wants him to do something bad. Angelina doesn’t think so. Then two FBI agents take Pete away; he’s being relocated.

Michaela tells Ben and Olive about the calling and that she thinks Baylor is going to come after her. She needs to stop him. Olive says the symbols in the camper look like what she and Angelina found whilst doing research on Maat. Michaela is going to start with Corey. Angelina sends a message to Olive about Pete. Ben tries ringing Vance, then decides to head to Eureka when the number doesn’t work.

Jared is telling Sarah what he found. He has a photo of the truck and admits yes, her mother may have been dead in it. He’s going to the company to check.

Zeke and Michaela are with Corey, who says he doesn’t know where Baylor is. Zeke believes him, then speaks about the visions. He asks if he recognises the photo. Corey says it was like a dream. Baylor knew he was dying and was going to kill Michaela.

Pete is being tested when Ben finds Vance and Saanvi. Ben explains that he needs Pete’s help to protect Michaela.

Jared checks at the garbage truck place and is told that they don’t know who hired it because they deal with secure document disposal and some of their customers’ names are kept off the books.

Ben, after getting Gupta to leave, speaks to Vance and Saanvi privately. He wants to know they’re still on the same side because he doesn’t trust Gupta and thinks she’s similar to the Major. Vance says this could help all the passengers. Ben says they want Pete to submit to testing; he wants Pete to help. If Ben can convince Pete to help Vance, he wants Pete to help him.

Vance is told by Emmett that Jared is onto the truck and it could fall apart. Saanvi is worried what is going to happen to Jared. Tarik gets a little overenthusiastic about him and Grace setting up the family restaurant again and is less than entirely careful. Pete is sure the calling wants them to hurt Michaela.


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