The Time Tunnel – Raiders from Outer Space

“Raiders from Outer Space” is episode twenty-nine of season one of The Time Tunnel.

At the end of the previous episode, “The Kidnappers”, Doug and Tony had arrived on the site of a battle between British and Arab forces. Late 19th to early 20th century Doug thought. They were attacked by a couple of mounted Arabs but got free. After grabbing supplies, they are accosted by two creatures definitely not Arabs. One says it’s not important who they are; they are there to kill them. Tik-Toc might bring the two aliens if they try a retrieval but Kirk wants it doing anyway. Before that can happen, a voice tells the two aliens to bring Doug and Tony to him.

General Kirk orders a retrieve anyway, but the console explodes. Then another alien, this one of a different appearance, appears on the viewer. He tells Tik-Toc not to try to interfere again. If they do so in the next two hours, they will be destroyed. The alien doesn’t want to talk further. Tik-Toc has no power but have tracked Doug and Tony to the Sudan, 2nd November, 1883.

Doug, Tony and the two aliens reach a cave that is their destination, but it’s protected by a forcefield. One alien does something and two devices appear, crewed by different looking aliens. They are taken into the cave, where this a door. One alien goes through and Doug and Tony attempt to escape, but fail. The leader who spoke to Tik-Toc arrives. He has been sent to conquer the world. He doesn’t see how the Battle of Khartoum is relevant. Tony ells him there are lots of British soldiers who could overrun the complex. The leader doesn’t think so. They are well armed and, in two hours, the first missiles will be ready. They will be fired at London, the world’s major capital, and the planet will surrender 24 hours after the first attack.

Why conquer the world? It’s a test; conquer the galaxy to prove himself worthy as a prince. The lead alien wants Tony taking into the desert and the alien to use the dehydration setting on his weapon to make it look as if Tony died of thirst. Doug is put into a device called the Extractor. The alien is interested in the Time Tunnel, and will have Doug’s mind read to extract his knowledge. Once Doug’s mind is emptied, he will be dead.

Tik-Toc manage to locate Tony and his alien escort as two British horsemen arrive and open fire. The alien disappears and the British captain accuses Tony and the alien of being Arab spies. Tony says the other was an alien from another planet who was going to kill him. Not that believable an explanation. Tony explains further and says he understands it’s hard to believe. The captain thinks that’s an understatement. They see a British force wiped out and the captain blames Tony. He wants Tony to take him to the Arab headquarters, or die. Tony promises to take them to the place where the people are who plan to destroy them. Which is not quite the same thing.

Tik-Toc manage to pull Doug out of the Extractor before his mind can be emptied. Outside, Tony arrives with the British soldiers. The captain says this isn’t Arab headquarters. Tony said he would bring them to their real enemies, and he has. Then Doug appears. The captain still doesn’t believe them. Doug uses a rock to demonstrate the forcefield and, eventually, they manage to convince the captain there is a real threat. There is still the problem of dealing with it, though.

Tik-Toc is also under threat as the alien leader doesn’t want them to interfere with his plans for world conquest. This does end up leading to a fairly obvious solution for two different problems.

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