The 4400 – No Exit

“No Exit” is episode eight of season four of The 4400.

Tom wakes up at his desk in NTAC to find alarms are going off because of a security breach. He goes looking but there’s no-one else in sight, no phones and the computers don’t work. Then Diana comes down; she woke up on the floor of the break room. Neither were in NTAC the last thing they remember. Then Doyle comes out of her office, asking why she woke up underneath her office chair.

In the Theory Room, Marco is positing to Brady that they are under attack or the world is under attack. Brady is locked out of the building’s network; Marco suggests they could do so in ops. Brady wants to walk out the front door, but Marco tells him the building is sealed shut and will stay that way until someone overrides the alarm. They may be the only ones who know how to do this. They’ll go to ops. And wake up P.J.

In ops, Doyle reports they have no communications, Tom that they have no internal surveillance and Diana that they have no sidearms. Then the other three arrive and the alarm goes quiet as the main lights come on. Doyle and Tom will try the exit whilst Diana remains with the other three. Tom and Doyle are approaching an exit when a lift door opens with Jordan Collier inside it. He and Tom start accusing each other as Kyle appears behind Doyle and Tom. Tom heads after Kyle as Collier ducks back into the lift. Kyle gets away down the stairs.

Shawn wakes up in a secure room with Isabelle. He is not happy to see her. She says she didn’t do anything. They realise they’re in NTAC, but don’t know how they got there. The door then slides open a bit and they pull it open, finding Kyle.

Diana doesn’t see why Collier would risk everything in an attack after his victor in the previous episode, “Till We Have Built Jerusalem”. Tom suggests going to the weapons locker. Then Maia starts knocking on an office window; she’s locked in. Marco says they had checked that room; it was empty.

Kyle explains he encountered his father, who seemed just as surprised and blamed Collier. Kyle is sure Collier didn’t do anything. Isabelle thinks they should stick together and leave as a group.

The weapons locker won’t open, so Doyle suggests hotwiring the keypad. She finds it funny that nothing affects Tom; he just keeps going forward, no matter how hopeless the situation seems. Tom tells her that if you stop when it seems hopeless, you don’t last long in this job. Just focus on the thing at hand.

Collier finds the others; he was looking to see if there were any 4400s to use as allies. Shawn, Isabelle and Kyle should be enough. They will go to ops, then contact Promise City from there. They were brought here by NTAC against their will; he would prefer to leave peacefully if he can.

Doyle gets the weapons locker open, but it’s empty. Then the door shuts Tom inside. Doyle says she will hotwire it again, but the electricity goes crazy. When the door opens, Tom finds her on the floor, dead. He takes her back to ops and says that the door closed itself. This death is on Collier.

The 4400s are looking for weapons, though Shawn points out that Tom was just as surprised, according to Kyle. Maybe there’s a third party behind this. Collier admires Shawn always looking for a peaceful solution. Then a wind blows, a windows cracks and explodes and Shawn is killed by flying glass.

Kyle approaches ops and says they aren’t doing this. He explains what happened, as Isabelle and Collier arrive with Shawn’s body. P.J. says it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Which is an odd thing to say. The reason why he said it is revealed when Tom and Collier are yelling at each other, blaming the other, and P.J. says he brought them here with his ability.

P.J. took promicin and it seems he can bring people to a dream world, somewhere that’s chosen by the players; NTAC is important to everyone there, even if their reasons are different. Once there, people need to walk together in order to escape. That does not start off well. P.J. doesn’t know if the dead people are actually dead – it’s never happened before. So, everyone is trapped in a game with NTAC itself trying to kill them, because P.J. wanted them to understand each other.

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