Star Trek: The Next Generation – Firstborn

“Firstborn” is episode twenty-one of season seven of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Worf is talking, to himself as it happens, as he’s practicing a speech. Alexander enters and Worf gets hit with a water balloon. The boy who threw it apologies and leaves. Worf tells Alexander they have something very important to discuss, and starts the speech, getting it wrong. Worf wants to talk about the First Rite of Ascension, which Alexander is approaching. He explains what is needed to prepare for the ceremony, and that lighting a candle declares his intention to become a warrior. Alexander doesn’t want to become a warrior. He doesn’t care about never becoming a true Klingon warrior; his mother said he didn’t have to do the Klingon stuff if he didn’t want to. Worf says that is Alexander’s decision. And Alexander says he isn’t going to do it and leaves.

Captain Picard is having a briefing with Riker, Data and Worf. Another ship is going to be late for their rendezvous, so whilst they are waiting the captain is going to check out some ancient ruins. Other things are arranged, but Worf isn’t paying attention. After the briefing, the captain says he noticed Worf seemed distracted. Worf apologises and says in the future his personal affairs will not interfere with his duties. When the captain inquires, Worf explains Alexander doesn’t want to participate in the Rite of Ascension. Picard says Alexander has spent so little time around Klingons. The festival of Kot’baval is tomorrow, and if Alexander takes part in that, he will more fully appreciate what a rich cultural heritage he comes from. The Klingon outpost on Maranga IV is sure to celebrate the festival. The Enterprise can take Worf there.

At the outpost, Worf and Alexander watch a stylised fight. Worf explains to Geordi and Dr Crusher that it is the tyrant Molar who no-one could stand up to. Worf participates, then gets Alexander to do so as well. Alexander gets a little carried away. Then Kahless appears to challenge Molar. Alexander is getting involved.

Later, Alexander finds Worf; he wants some money as someone has apparently got Molar’s head in a box. They’re being watched by a Klingon from earlier. Worf says they have to return to the ship, but yes, they can come back tomorrow. Then three more Klingons surrounds them and attack. The watcher shoots one, Worf battles them other two and all three are driven off, dropping a knife. The watcher introduces himself as K’mtar. Kurn sent him.

On the Enterprise, Worf explains that K’mtar is an advisor so trusted he’s become part of the family. K’mtar, once convinced to talk to Riker, says there have been rumours of assassination attempts on the House of Mogh. The dagger dropped is from the House of Duras. The Duras sisters may have been behind the attack. Riker says they were last seen on DS9 in “Past Prologue”. K’mtar says no-one knows where they went after.

K’mtar is assigned quarters and in them Worf challenges him on his behaviour towards Riker. K’mtar says he meant no disrespect. Has Worf lived so long amongst humans he’s forgotten how Klingons behave? Worf hasn’t; it’s just humans have different ways. K’mtar ends up asking about Alexander, as some day he may become head of their house. Being alone amongst humans makes it hard to keep their ways. How are Alexander’s fighting skills? Worf admits they could be better. And that Alexander has not yet committed to undergoing the Rite of Ascension. Worf has tried to explain, but Alexander wouldn’t listen. K’mtar thinks that together they may be able to spark Alexander’s interest in their heritage. He asks to say goodnight to Alexander.

K’mtar speaks to Alexander and suggests visiting his homeworld. And how, if he became a Klingon warrior, he would always feel safe. If anyone attacked his father again, Alexander would be able to fight at his side.

Captain Picard is off looking at ruins, so very little is seen of him. K’mtar seems very interested in Alexander and almost desperate to get him to become a warrior. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is looking for the Duras sisters, which involves speaking to Quark on DS9.

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