Heroes Reborn – Under the Mask

“Under the Mask” is episode three of season one of Heroes Reborn.

Things are getting complex with multiple plot strands. This episode opens in the Arctic Circle with the young woman who was seen at the end of the first episode, “Brave New World”, confronting a strange aurora. She is also accompanied by someone invisible this time, whose voice sounds vaguely familiar.

Miko is in the foyer of the real-life version of the building where her father had been taken in the game, Miko is fighting the, rather large number, security guards there. They are proving totally ineffective until Harris (Prime) arrives and defeats her – and takes her sword. He tells his boss, the CEO of the Renautas Corporation, that the sword is that of Hiro Nakamura. Renautas has also captured Molly Walker, and is planning to use her powers with something called E.P.I.C.

In the previous episode, “Odessa”, Luke and Joanne Collins had, at the old, but still secretly used by Renautas, Primatech facility in Odessa, stolen Noah’s car, wounded Quentin, and taken Noah’s files – which gives them access to lots of Evos to murder. Luke seems like he might be showing powers of his own.

Noah takes Quentin to a hospital for the bullet wound, but he himself is recognised from the day of the attack, when he apparently attacked a guard. Noah has no memory of this, of course, so tries to find out what happened; not helped by security being after him.

In Los Angeles, Carlos is looking for the police who killed his brother, and dressing as El Vengador to do so. He finds some unexpected things out. Tommy is trying to live as normal a life as he can, but his mother is worried, and the mysterious man with the coins is following him.

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