Manifest – Precious Cargo

“Precious Cargo” is episode seven of season three of Manifest.

In the previous episode, “Graveyard Spiral”, despite everything Phil and Corey died. They’re now in tanks at Eureka. Gupta is complaining to Ben and telling Saanvi that after today her services are no longer needed. She wants to know what really happened. Ben tells her. It doesn’t seem as if she cares, but when Ben tells her to open her mind, Gupta says she never said she didn’t believe.

Michaela, Drea and Jared are at the precinct. Michaela gets a calling and heads to the window, seeing a cloud in the sky. She heads out to the source of the smoke and sees others heading there as well.

Saanvi tells Ben that the three methheads shared a common DNA marker, just like the passengers do. Which might be why the death of one caused the death of all. If one fails the test, all might die. If one 828er fails, they all might die. She’s also found aluminium oxide in unusual amounts.

Michaela and the others, one of whom is Eagan, see Ben leaving the building they arrived at. It’s Eureka.

Olive finds Angelina. Who has given up and is going to go her own way.

Ben calls Grace, who is sorting Tarik’s stuff. After he hangs up, Michaela arrives. She explains that she and other passengers, including Eagan, saw Ben. And they all got there to see him leave, following a calling he didn’t get. Maybe to stop Ben from doing something. Ben explains he’s going to start being tested tomorrow. They need help. He explains how it looks like if one person in a group fails their test, they all die. They need to make sure every passenger does the same thing. That’s why he’s heading back to Eureka.

Michaela’s hand is glowing after she leaves Ben. Ben sees more passengers with glowing hands approaching, led by Eagan. And they sedate Ben.

Michaela arrives back at Ben’s to find him gone, the oven smoking and his keys and phones still there.

Ben is being held by Eagan and a dog; Michaela has called Drea explai9ning why she thinks he’s missing.

Eagan has apparently been following his callings, because he’s not an idiot. And he plans to find out what they are doing at Eureka because he thinks they’re doing something dangerous. Ben does think Eagan may have a point. Meanwhile, Saanvi is trying to ensure she stays at Eureka but Gupta isn’t interested.

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