Heroes Reborn – June 13th – Part One

“June 13th – Part One” is episode seven of season one of Heroes Reborn.

In the previous episode, “Game Over”, Miko had managed to free Hiro Nakamura, the Master of Time and Space, from the eternal Fortress in the computer game Evernow. Hiro had returned to the real world in time to save Noah, but Quentin had been killed by the sister he was trying so desperately to save. Noah wants Hiro to take him back to the attack at Odessa, to find out what really happened on June 13th 2014.

This episode begins back at the Unity Summit in Odessa on that day, three hours before the explosions. Hiro wants Noah to be careful – not to step on butterflies – and only unravel the smallest thread to stop the attack (although stopping the attack seems like a pretty big butterfly in itself). The past version of Hiro meets Hachiro Otomo, Miko’s father, who captures him inside Evernow.

Mohinder Suresh and Angela Petrelli make an appearance for the first time this season, although Mohinder’s voice has been heard quite a bit. Angela is warning Mohinder about Renautus and Erica Kravitz. She tells Mohinder that she had sold Erica Primatech. Mohinder had been hired By Erica to find a solution to the Human Extinction Level Event – and he has. Only Erica, as we know by now, isn’t interested. Mohinder’s solution involved the Evos. Mohinder doesn’t believe Angela, but she tells him that Erica has killed his team and is going to kill him, and the Evos needed to save the planet.

When Noah finally finds out what happened to Claire, he gets a bit of a shock. And what happened to her explains quite a few things (some things can be guessed before they are revealed).

There is nothing from a lot of the regular cast this week, only those that are present at the conference. Luke and Joanne Collins are there with their son – it seems they were at the conference to see if the Evos could cure their son.

In many ways this episode is rather less complicated without the multiple plot threads that are so common (although there are two Noahs wandering around). It also ends on rather more of a cliff-hanger ending than usual.

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