DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Progeny

“Progeny” is episode ten of season one of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

In the previous episode, “Left Behind”, the team captured Chronos – Mick Rory – and locked him up. Stein said that the Time Masters took one of their own and turned him against them; they should undo the Time Masters’ handiwork. This episode opens with Rip coming to see an imprisoned Rory and asks him if he’s comfortable. When Rory doesn’t answer to his name, Rip asks if he answers to Chronos now. Rory replies that he doesn’t take orders from Rip, and can’t believe he ever did, Rip replies that’s debateable. Which is an accurate sentiment; Rory was not exactly great at following orders at the best of times.

Rip says he has come to see Rory for two reasons. The first is Rip could use his help. Rory asks what the second reason is. Rip tells him that they are heading to 2147, only a few decades before Vandal Savage came to power. Rory asks if that’s the second thing or the first – it actually wasn’t clear – and that it doesn’t matter. What is probably the second reason is that Rip tells Rory he owes him an apology. That Rip failed Rory; he brought Rory into the mission under false pretences and in denial of Rory’s true nature, and when that true nature took its course, Rip asked Snart to deal with him. The point being that Rory’s quarrel is with Rip, not Snart. Rory tells Rip that if it makes him feel better, Rory wants to kill them both. Then Gideon announces to Rip that they have arrived in the Kasnia Conglomerate.

Jax is complaining to Sara that 150 years in the future people are still wearing wool. He hates wool. Rip arrives and tells him to be grateful, as those living outside the conglomerate are dressed in rags. When the name ‘Conglomerate’ is brought up, Rip tells them that in 2080 governments began to give way to corporations. Jax says more like 2008. According to Rip, in two hours time there is a meeting of the shareholders; the others do not think that Savage takes over the world by trading stock. However, in 20 years time, Kasnia is Savage’s foothold in taking over the world. They can’t take him on then, but if they can figure out what actions lead to Savage’s rise to power, they won’t need to.

Sara suggests that if they are going to see the future, they should call the nerd twins and Jax says he knows what Stein’s response will be. Outside, Professor Stein does start to say something only for both Sara and Jax to pre-empt him. Although the professor tells them that he was going to say remarkable. Rip tells them that this was considered the world’s zenith the inhabitants have five good years to look forward to. Snart asks before what. Before a ruthless dictator called Per Degaton unleashes the Armageddon virus and most of them end up dead.

Three flying robots appear and Ray asks if that’s his suit, before stating that it is his suit. The robots stop a robber by zapping him. Rip tells them that this is how Per Degaton’s father Tor maintains order in Kasnia. Ray wants to find out how they made his suit autonomous. So he, Stein and Jax head that way and Snart, Sara and Rip head to locate Savage.

Rip tells the other two that Kasnia has daily meetings and Sara asks if they are open to the public. No, just shareholders. As they are entering the place Sara points out that they are not shareholders and Snart comments that he’s more of a hard asset man. Perhaps he should diversify his portfolio a bit. Rip takes out a small box he brought with him that contains contact lenses and puts one in. Which he probably should have done onboard the ship, but nobody notices. This allows Rip to register as a shareholder to a retinal scan and he is cleared to enter. Snart and Sara have to wait outside. Rip tells the guard that Snart is his accountant and Sara is his personal assist… bodyguard but the guard tells him that only stockholders are allowed in.

At the meeting, Tor Degaton is saying that he won’t put the resolution to a vote. A board member tells him that the situation outside Kasnia is untenable and Tor replies that he is aware the world outside is descending into chaos but causing chaos is not the proper response. Another board member says that it is not chaos. It is logic. The person saying this is Savage. He continues, saying that the world’s population is at untenable levels. The herd must be thinned. Tor tells Savage that so Savage has argued, but no matter how many times Savage presses his point, Tor’s decision stands. Is this a factor in Per Degaton’s rise to power?

After the meeting, Rip follows Savage and a teenage boy greets him. Savage calls him ‘My boy’ and the boy replies that his father would have Savage killed for calling him that. Savage replies that he wouldn’t want to chance execution. The boy does not seem offended; in fact he seems to like Savage. He asks Savage how the meeting went and is told that the boy’s father is his usual intractable self. For the boy is Per Degaton. Savage tells Per, calling him his young student, that what is needed to run a corporation is not the same as what is needed to run a country. Per says that if Savage is implying his father has not got what it takes and Savage continues, saying that Tor would kill him for that as well. And that he likes to live dangerously, and asks Per how his studies are progressing.

Back on the Waverider Sara asks if Savage is a teacher and Rip corrects her, saying tutor. For young Per Degaton himself. Snart asks if that means something. It does. In five years time, after his father’s death, Per unleashes the Armageddon virus which decimates (which means kills one in ten; may be typically inaccurate usage) the world’s population, leaving it ripe for conquest. Kendra, who had remained onboard, says that as they haven’t got what they need to stop Savage, maybe they can deny his rise to power. Rip agrees, by depriving Savage of his springboard. To Sara’s question as to how they do that, Rip tells her it’s quite simple.

The others are now back and Stein asks if Rip is talking about murdering a child. Rip did say ‘simple’ not ‘nice.’ Jax says that Per hasn’t done anything to anyone and Snart says yet – pick him off now whilst the picking is easy. When asked how they know Per’s path to power is inevitable Rip tells them that, in his time, children learn about Per Degaton in school the way that children of their time learn about Adolf Hitler. Snart says that they already know what will push Per to the Dark Side – Savage – and if they don’t kill the kid now, Savage will once Per has served his purpose. Rip says that if they stop Per Degaton from becoming the greatest tyrant the world has ever known, Savage can’t become the last tyrant the world will ever know.

Professor Stein says that murdering a child in cold blood is just like what Savage did to Rip’s son. And that what is the point in saving the world if they stoop to Savage’s methods to do so. The old ‘Kill Hitler as a child’ dilemma. Snart suggests that, if they don’t have the guts to kill the kid and Rip continues saying that removing Per from the timeline is the next best thing. Ray says they have gone from infanticide to child abduction. Progress. There are still a couple of problems; Tor Degaton’s private guards and the ATOM robots. Rip believes an accomplished thief will be of use here. Ray wants to disable the robot army too. When Sara responds that doing so is a waste of time Ray replies that it isn’t for the Kasnian citizens tormented by his technology. Rip joins in, saying that the technology does lead to Savage’s rise to power, so it’s a good backup plan.

Afterwards Kendra stops Ray. He thinks he knows what she wants to talk about; that Savage is so close she can sense him. That might not actually be it, and afterwards Kendra has a memory. Herself, in the past, sometime in the 20th century by the looks of it. With Carter. Carter asks Kendra if something is bothering her and she finally admits she can sense savage. And it’s time for them to go. Not on vacation, though, as that will not fix it. Kendra also says that Savage will not stop until he has killed them again. Then a young boy enters the room; their son, Aldus, placing it in the early 20th century.

In the future Snart is complaining; there is no litter, no street crime and no fog. He wants to know how soon they can leave. Not a fan of the period. Sara is up above with a sniper rifle and tells him that Gideon said Per Degaton is on his way to gym class. Snart puts on some glasses that ID what he is looking at – including a Kasnian flag. Then Per appears surrounded by guards and Snart asks if they can’t just shoot him as it will be a whole lot easier. Rip says that they stick to the plan, Sara takes out the rear guard and Rip takes his place. Snart attacks from the front and when Per and another guard duck aside, Rip takes out the last one standing.

Jax, Ray and professor Stein are being told about how the latest line of automated law enforcement officers has seen crime drop to non-existent. The professor thanks their guide, Dr. Bryce (Jewel Staite) for showing them around and she replies that it’s her pleasure. They don’t have many visitors from Central City since the S.T.A.R. Labs Corporation took it over. Ray asks Dr. Bryce if they use dwarf star alloy and she tells him that’s proprietary information. But yes. She asks him how he knows Dr… Lector. Dr. Hannibal Lector. Which gets a headshake from Jax.

When Dr. Bryce is asked how she got into the field she replies it’s in her blood, ever since her multiple-greats grandfather founded the company. Showing them a bust of the founder. Which looks rather like Ray Bryce comments that it’s weird – Ray looks just like him. Ray agrees that yes, it’s pretty weird.

Back on the Waverider, Ray says he’s like the Werner von Brain of robotics. Jax asks who that is and Stein explains that von Braun was a Nazi scientist he invented the V2, built them using slave labour then used it to level London. Which sounds kind of a bad thing to be compared to. Ray replies that except his robots will be used one day to level the entire world. Okay, that does sound worse. Jax thinks Ray is focusing on the wrong thing – rather than the fact that Ray has a kid he doesn’t even know about. Stein points out that the correct word is ‘had’; in this particular time period any offspring Ray had would be long since dead. This does not help Ray feel better.

Ray asks how that is possible as the only person he was… Jax completes the thought for him – ghosted Ray a week before they left. Stein assumes that Ray meant she died; Jax explains that ‘ghosting’ is when someone pretends to be dead by not answering text messages. The professor considers it to be a strange age for dating. Jax suggests that maybe Ray was ghosted because she knew she was pregnant. Ray thinks it’s no wonder his kid started a company that builds evil robots. Technically, they aren’t evil. Ray wonders if he had never left, if he had been a loving father, then maybe Palmer Tech would not have gone on to build the robot army Savage uses to conquer the world. Professor Stein thinks Ray’s reasoning is a bit of a stretch.

After the conversation, when Kendra bumps into Ray she asks if he’s fine. Because he doesn’t look fine. Ray says he’s simply a little peckish. Afterwards, Kendra has more memories. She is talking to Carter about their new names, and asks how they explain to Aldus why his mother and father move every couple of years, change their names and constantly look over their shoulders. She wonders if it was selfish having a family when Savage finds them again. For he always finds them. This is not the last memory of this part of the past Kendra has.

Sara is looking at the unconscious Per Degaton in the Waverider and wonders aloud what genocidal maniacs dream about. Gideon replies that Per is dreaming about making cookies with his mother. Sara asks if Gideon can monitor their dreams and Gideon replies of course. Last night Sara had a rollicking fantasy involving a young nurse for example. Rip interrupts and asks Gideon to check the timeline to see if kidnapping Per had the desired effect on the future. Gideon checks and tells Rip that he won’t be happy with the results.

Stein asks Rip what he means it did nothing. Rip replies that kidnapping Per only had a nominal effect on the timeline. Snart suggests they dump the brat somewhere he can’t get into trouble. Like the Stone Age. However, it seems that no matter where and when Per is dumped, Savage still rises to power. Which seems as if they are back to Plan A – kill Per Degaton. Who will one day be responsible for billions of deaths, including Rip’s family. The professor asks Rip if, should Rip save his family, he will be able to look his son in the eye after what he did. Rip thinks that’s better than the alternative. Jax suggests something else – just talking to Per. Rip replies that Savage has spent years corrupting Per Degaton but Sara says that it’s not too late to change. Rip asks who says this and Sara tells him someone with two tours with the League of Assassins and a case of bloodlust under her belt.

Sara goes to see Rory, who guesses why she has come. He guesses wrong. Twice. Sara tells him that the others are arguing about killing a kid because no-one thinks he can change. Which made Sara think of Rory. Because no-one thinks he can change. Which is why Rory is locked out. Rory replies that he’s locked up because if he came out he would give Snart payback. Sara tells him that Snart saved Rory’s life; Rory replies that Snart didn’t kill him. Not the same thing. Then marooned Rory. Sara tells Rory it’s not like Snart had many choices.

Sara continues; when Rory was selling them out in “Marooned” to homicidal time pirates, she and Snart almost died. And Snart was thinking about Rory. He told Sara about their partnership and their friendship. Rory asks if it made Sara weepy; and does she think it will make Rory weepy. Sara tells Rory that Snart is his friend, and a loyal one. He should know that. Rory claims he will work things out with Snart as soon as he can. And, as Sara leaves, mentions that killing a kid is not very heroic.

Tor Degaton is watching the video of his son’s abduction. For the last 50 years everyone inside the Conglomerate has had their details on file, but not these three. Savage tells Tor that the three are not from the Conglomerate. Or even the last 50 years. Tor Degaton asks how Savage knows this and Savage replies that it’s a long story. What’s important is that Savage can get Tor’s son back. Tor Degaton asks how he knows that his son isn’t already dead. Savage responds that he knows the kidnappers, that they are weak and squeamish on the matters of death.

Rip is currently approaching Per Degaton with a knife. He doesn’t kill Per, though, instead cutting the cable keeping Per asleep. Then leaves. The others notice the jumpship taking off and Gideon tells them that Rip is flying it. And has disabled the tracker. Sara says that’s because Rip does not want them following him and stopping Rip from killing Per Degaton.

Will Rip manage to kill Per? Perhaps not. Although Per Degaton does, despite what Sara thinks, appear to be a lost cause. Ray and Kendra have to sort their relationship out, as both are having challenges, and then there’s the matter of Rory. He’s already been dumped once because he couldn’t be kept in the brig forever.

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