Babylon 5 – Shadow Dancing

“Shadow Dancing” is episode twenty-one of season three of Babylon 5.

This episode opens at Z Minus 7 Days. Delenn is trying to make herself heard at a meeting of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, whose representatives are all being rather loud. She asks that they let her finish. They have an opportunity to strike at their mutual enemy. If their information is correct, this will be the biggest engagement of the war to date. They do not know how many ships the Shadows will have, so they need as many on their side as possible. So cooperation is needed.

Delenn is told that if she wishes cooperation, why will she not tell them what the mission is. Lennier cuts in, saying that if it is discussed openly, the enemy might hear. The League needs to trust them. When asked why they should trust them by the representatives when this isn’t reciprocated, Delenn replies that so far they have kept every promise they made. They said that telepaths could be used to slow the advance of the Shadows. Telepaths were supplied to those who lacked their own. Delenn says that they have saved the lives of many of the League members’ people, and if their trust hasn’t been earned by now, then to please go. Nothing more will be required.

The Drazi representative tells Delenn that if they supply the ships she is asking for, defences will be weakened around homeworlds. It is a risk, but one that needs taking. Delenn tells them that their ships will be stationed in hyperspace two hours from their destination. They will stand by for a signal and when that is received they will be given the destination.

When asked what they are bringing, Lennier says as many Minbari cruisers as can be spared. Plus some additional forces they have not yet seen. For, in the previous episode, “And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place”, Delenn had shown Sheridan that the White Star was simply the name ship of her class. There were many, many more ships of that type whose construction was finished. Delenn tells the League members to let her know when they have finished their deliberations. But not to take too long, for time is short and getting shorter.

Sheridan is speaking to Marcus and Ivanova, saying that there is not much time. Refugees have been gathering in Sector 83 for two months – Delenn and Sheridan had figured out that the Shadows were deliberately not attacking that sector to lure refugees in – and once there are enough ships in one place, the Shadows will hit and hit hard. Which, Ivanova says, will be demoralising. Sheridan continues, saying the number of refugees heading there has dropped off and the Shadows could attack at any time.

Marcus replies that, if they wait until they hear about an attack, it will be too late to strike back; the enemy will be long gone by the time they arrive. Sheridan tells the two that Delenn is working on getting as many ships as possible to stand by in hyperspace. But they have to know the second the enemy shows up. So they need an advanced scout on patrol in the area. One ship. Ivanova asks if that one ship is them. It is. Sheridan wants them to wait until the enemy come out of hyperspace. As soon as they do, notify the fleet and get out of there. To not engage the Shadows unless fired upon first. Marcus asks if there is anything else and Sheridan says yes. They have seen how fast the Shadows are, especially if the Shadows see the scout first. So Marcus and Ivanova are to take the White Star, as it’s the fastest ship they have. And even if everything goes right, there is only a 50/50 chance of getting out alive.

Delenn returns to the council room to find it empty, save for a lone Drazi. It looks as everyone has refused to join. However, the Drazi tells Delenn that the other representatives have gone to speak to their governments and have authorised him to speak in their place. Delenn can have all the ships they can spare. He hopes that she is right, for it will cost them greatly if she is wrong.

In C&C, Ivanova contacts Sheridan and tells the captain they are ready to go. She asks if he has any last minute instructions; the only thing he has is an old Egyptian blessing. As the White Star departs, Marcus asks Ivanova what the blessing is. ‘May god stand between you and harm, in all the empty places you must walk.’

Zack asks Garibaldi if he wants any lunch, or something bringing back. The chief declines and Zack asks if anything’s wrong. Garibaldi asks Zack if anyone has heard from Franklin; Zack tells him not in five or six days. Garibaldi says that Franklin shouldn’t have to be doing this, and the chief feels like he screwed up. That sometimes people walk away because they want to be alone, and sometimes because they want to see if you care enough about them to follow them into hell. Zack doesn’t think the chief has done anything wrong; however, Garibaldi says that he has been where Franklin is and has walked away from many things. He just hopes that Franklin can find his way back.

Franklin is currently in Down Below and he looks up as a rather opinionated woman is announcing to a man and girl that they are in Down Below. Supposedly in a market place, although she cannot see anything she would want to buy, and that you are supposed to mind your purse and wallet. The woman – Barbara – cannot see what they were thinking when they broke away from Earth. Her companion says that they have homeless back home; Barbara tells him not to contradict her in front of Jessie – the little girl – as it isn’t good for her. Jessie is playing with a ball which rolls towards Franklin. Who hands it back. When Barbara sees Jessie with Franklin, she says she has told her to stay away from strange people, as Jessie doesn’t know where he’s been.

Z Minus 6 Days and on the White Star Ivanova comes to wake up Marcus for his watch. She comments on his proficiency in Minbari and he tells her that you cannot finish your training until you can speak, and think, in that language. Ivanova thought that Rangers would be taught infiltration and combat – not language skills. Marcus replies that to the Minbari it’s all the same thing, and offers to teach the commander. Ivanova says it will take a year but Marcus argues against not trying. Then says, in Minbari, ‘You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.’ Which Marcus does not translate remotely accurately when Ivanova asks him what he said. When Marcus leaves, Ivanova tries to sleep on one of the slanted beds the Minbari use, but keeps slipping off. She manages to make it level – and it tilts the other way, dumping her on the floor.

Delenn comes to Sheridan and he asks her for the status. She hands over a list of ships and he says that the League is still holding back. Delenn replies that it will have to do. Gathering them is hard enough; keeping them as the war drags on will be harder. She tells the captain that a Minbari cruiser is waiting for them to board. Sheridan thinks Delenn should stay on the station; Marcus and Ivanova are already gone, Garibaldi is snowed under and Franklin is on walkabout still. Delenn tells him no and that afterwards they should spend the night together. Not like that. In Minbari culture, for three nights the man sleeps and the woman watches. In sleep, she will finally see his true face. If she likes what she sees, she will stay two more nights. If the man tries to force her to stay after the first night and she didn’t like what she saw; well, Delenn may have been deliberately wording what she said and pausing to worry Sheridan. If the woman does stay for three nights – well, that’s for later. Now, history awaits.

On the White Star, Ivanova has removed all the Minbari ‘pillows’ from the beds and laid them on the floor. She lies down on them and Marcus summons her to the bridge. Ivanova arrives on the bridge and asks if they are here. Marcus tells her not exactly, and shows her something. They picked it up a few minutes ago; a ship that is made of the same material as the Shadow vessels, but much smaller. Marcus thinks it’s their opposite number, a scout ship sent to check the region before the main armada arrives.

The ship was spotted just as Marcus was about to correct course to keep the White Star in the shadow of the nearby moon. Ivanova tells him that’s good, as the scout would have picked up their engines. The problem is the White Star is about to move out of eclipse and into the light. When it does, the Shadow vessel picks it up anyway – and starts broadcasting a warning.

On the Minbari cruiser, Lennier is telling Sheridan and Delenn about the other White Star ships and the telepaths. They have received nothing yet from Ivanova. Afterwards, Delenn takes Sheridan to a large, empty room. She tells him it is the tactical centre, where he will be able to keep track of the battle. Sheridan asks how, as there are no displays, and Delenn replies that he will see when the time comes.

The White Star is blocking the signal from the enemy scout and Ivanova gives orders to destroy it. Marcus asks what happens if it doesn’t report in; Ivanova replies that she doesn’t know – but she does know what will happen if it does. They fire and the Shadow scout is damaged. So it turns and tries to ram them. The White Star is damaged and the engines are hit; Marcus tells Ivanova that it will take a while to repair them. Then they pick up an energy surge and Shadow ships start appearing. A bloody awful lot of ships according to Marcus. Jump is online and if they signal the fleet, the Shadows might pick it up. Ivanova says who wants to live forever and Marcus replies that he does actually. The signal is sent.

On Babylon 5, Franklin interrupts two men attacking another. Which goes badly, for one of the attackers stabs him. Franklin asks their victim to help him but he says he can’t; he was dealing and would be arrested. So he leaves. Franklin, badly wounded, tries calling for help. No-one comes. Franklin tells himself he was Grade A stupid and another voice agrees. The other voice is Franklin, another one. This Franklin tells the injured one that he is always trying to be a hero. The injured one tells himself he is going into shock. The new one says that Franklin wanted to walk until he met himself – well, here he is. So let’s talk. After all, it doesn’t look as if Franklin has much time. The conversation with himself is perhaps not what Franklin imagined; the other him is not very nice. Perhaps it’s tough love.

There is perhaps the largest space battle of the series to date, as the allied ships go up against the Shadows. Afterwards, Sheridan asks why the Shadows haven’t attacked Babylon 5. After all, it’s not as if they can move. He also talks to Delenn and Ivanova about a dream Kosh sent him, one he is trying to make sense of. Sheridan thinks that the Shadows will make a countermove – and they do. It’s not one that might be expected.

Now down to Z Minus 2 Days.

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