Warehouse 13 – Love Sick

“Love Sick” is episode three of season three of Warehouse 13.

This episode opens in Salt Lake City. An ambulance is taking someone to the hospital. At the hospital, they are not having much luck reviving the woman – especially when they can’t inject her with anything. Because the needles break. Because she’s turned to clay. This is also not the first victim.

The hospital calls the CDC, and the person who turns up is the Warehouse’s doctor, Vanessa – who Artie has a bit of a thing for. She tells the hospital’s doctor that she is going to call a consultant in to help. Artie says he’s just going to help. Although he’s cleaned himself up a bit. Well, a lot. Claudia says that she will accompany him. So that when he faints at the sight of blood (it’s a hospital) there will be someone to catch Artie when he falls. Doctor Vanessa is actually with the CDC. The entire woman has turned to clay, and there are quite a few others.

The gene sequences of the dead people, all women, show that they are silicon based. All life on Earth is carbon based, not silicon based. Examining the code further shows that they have been infected by a computer virus. People are not affected by computer viruses. There is, however, a hacker who is spying on women through their laptops’ webcams (Safety Tip: Never leave your laptop open with the webcam on). Whilst he is watching, a woman gets hit by something from the laptop. Presumably the virus.

With this being a computer virus, they call in Hugo Miller, the now healed former Warehouse computer expert from “13.1” (he has apparently been in Eureka). Who seems to have a prior relationship with Vanessa. Shortly after he arrives, the woman hit by energy from her webcam arrives in the hospital. Artie and Claudia go and investigate the woman’s apartment whilst Hugo helps his old flame, Vanessa. Which does not make Artie happy. The hacker has an artefact, and he infects a whole bunch of people with the virus, apparently by accident. They are still all going to die though, unless the artefact is recovered. Why are they being turned to clay though? That’s not very computer-ish. Viruses are infectious as well. Even computer viruses – there’s a reason why they are called viruses.

Back at the Warehouse, Pete wakes up in bed. In, as it turns out, Artie’s bedroom. With Myka. Who has gone blonde. Both are naked and neither knows why they are there (okay, there is an obvious answer, but they seem to be lacking actual memories). Myka says that there must be a simple explanation (okay, still obvious answers). They also shared the bed with Artie’s toothbrush. So they check what they did. Which appears to be nothing, although Pete made a phone call and they can’t check further back than five hours. As it turns out, to Artie. Some artefacts have activated – and Steve is missing.

Pete and Myka have to try and figure out what happened. And where Steve has gone. They were having target practice with the Teslas when Pete, messing around, disturbed some artefacts. Which starts to explain what happened. But where is Steve and did Pete and Myka do what they are worried they did. And why did Myka dye her hair blonde? The first artefact started a chain reaction of them disturbing other artefacts. Steve was not affected, so whatever happened to him was probably done by Myka and Pete. You can guess what they’ve done to him.

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