Warehouse 13 – Around the Bend

“Around the Bend” is episode six of season two of Warehouse 13.

This episode opens at the British History Museum in Lakefield, Illinois where an elephant walking stick has gone missing. In Britain, there have been earthquakes (which is unusual). Pete and Myka are there, as he believes that the missing walking stick caused the earthquake. It’s linked to the largest one ever in Britain. Pete spends most of the time playing with the exhibits claiming he is right. It seems that the museum does not know that it’s missing – because the thief keeps putting it back after he uses it. Pete is running after the thief when Mrs Frederic’s car pulls up and she orders him to throw the mission and let the stick get away. He also cannot tell anyone else this.

Pete and Myka then have to deal with the local cops to prove they are Secret Service, and Agent Logan from the Chicago field office says they are. She and Pete have… history. Pete is still interested in her. The feeling may or may not be reciprocated. Artie is not happy that they let the artefact get away. Nor is Mr Valda, who is personally visiting the Warehouse. Mr Valda is really unhappy with them. Mr Valda and the Regents are planning to spend more time being personally involved than previously.

Mrs Frederic says that the Regents are concerned that artefacts are falling into hands that are using them for criminal gain, and that there’s a breach from inside. Valda’s visit had been arranged prior to this suspicion, which is why he still showed up, so no-one was alerted. Mrs Frederic wants Pete to investigate Artie, Myka and Claudia. He doesn’t believe they could be compromised, but MacPherson showed that people can be. She has chosen Pete because he isn’t good at keeping secrets from his team, which makes him the least likely to be compromised. When Pete and Myka return to Illinois, he follows the thief without telling her – and spots him speaking to Valda. Mrs Frederic needs more evidence, as the Regents can have people connected to the Warehouse killed. So Pete cannot tell Myka or Artie. He really doesn’t like keeping secrets from his team. Then Myka starts suspecting Pete is drinking again (there were hints in the past that he is a dry alcoholic).

Claudia pokes around in a file on her that the Warehouse has, despite Artie telling her not to. It lists ways of disposing of her, including killing her. She is not too happy (in the previous episode, “13.1”, Todd dumped her and between that episode and this she probably visited Eureka in “Crossing Over”).

Unfortunately for Pete, Mr Valda was watching him with Mrs Frederic. And Valda threatens to kill Mrs Frederic – and Pete’s team – unless Pete brings the thief to him. So Pete loads up with weapons and explosives and goes after Valda. He also seeks help from his ex. Events take a turn for the worse and something weird seems to be going on.

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