The Flash – Going Rogue

“Going Rogue” is episode four of season one of The Flash.

The episode opens with Barry talking about what he would normally do on his day off. Prior to becoming hit by the energised lightning, if he wasn’t in the crime lab he would be at home chilling. Barry says that now it is different, for he has friends. He’s playing table tennis against Cisco and Operation with Caitlin (a game she considers to be completely anatomically unrealistic). Barry tells Caitlin that what they are doing is fun. Dr. Wells, against whom Barry is playing chess, says it’s also training, testing Barry speed and his mind’s ability to multitask.

Elsewhere, an armoured car passes a motorbike by the side of the road, and the person on the motorbike says that they have 182 seconds, then sets off after the armoured car along with another. They are followed by a tow truck, which is driving backwards, and one of the bikers unhooks a cable from the tow truck and hooks it onto the armoured car. The truck then drags the car to a stop. Both guards, having called it in, get out of the car and get knocked down. One of the hijackers is about to shoot a guard when another tells him to cool it, they have 158 seconds, and then points something at the rear door of the armoured car.

With the robbery being called in Barry suits up and goes to the scene. He knocks all four assailants down, the man who was pointing something at the armoured car getting his face revealed in the process. He looks more than a little annoyed at this interference. One guard runs away to get shot in the back by one of the attackers. As Barry sees to the injured guard, all four hijackers drive off on the two bikes.

When Joe gets to the scene, he says that what the hijackers were after is still there, a diamond that was being transported to the museum in Central City. Eddie says that Iris has been trying to talk him into going. Joe just stares at him. (In the previous episode, “Things You Can’t Outrun”, Iris and Eddie revealed to Joe they were dating. Joe already knew – because, you know, detective – but he still isn’t happy. Things are a bit frosty.)

One of the guards said there were three hijackers; Barry, turning up a little late because he took the injured guard to the hospital, says there were four. He then has to come up with some reasoning as to why he said this, other than saying he was already at the scene. The man who got his face seen was pointing liquid nitrogen at the armoured car’s door.

Joe asks Barry to look at mug shots to identify the man. Which takes a fraction of a second. He’s identified as Leonard Snert; Joe says Leonard’s father was a cop, and a bad one at that. Leonard shows up every six months, plans out and pulls a job and then leaves again. He also never gives up until; he gets what he came for. Barry also says that he’s think of a new name, instead of the Streak, but only gets as far as ‘the Fla…’ before Iris shows up.

Joe is being frost with Iris as well and leaves. Iris tells Barry that she is planning on starting a blog about the Streak, and wants to know if he was involved in preventing the armoured car robbery. Barry says that he isn’t at liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation; given Iris’ response, this hasn’t really stopped him in the past. Barry is also concerned that a blog will bring the crazies out of the woodwork.

When Barry and Iris get to the crime lab, Arrow‘s Felicity Smoak is waiting for them. Barry and Felicity have worked together before in Starling City, prior to Barry getting struck by lightning.

Snert is talking to his crew about how the robbery was prevented. It seems he likes to plan things out in meticulous detail. He’s also not happy about one of them shooting a guard. Snert says that they don’t shoot guards or cops unless there’s no alternative. That man wants out. So Snert shoots him. Guess he’s definitely out.

Felicity knows that Barry is the Flash (or will be anyway; she knows of his super speed) because she heard him talking to the Arrow in “Pilot”. So Barry takes her to S.T.A.R. Labs. Caitlin has met Felicity before (possibly in “The Man Under the Hood”). Felicity also seems rather concerned about Barry.

Iris decides to arrange a double date with Felicity and Barry, Iris and Eddie, going to a quiz night together. Felicity may have a thing for Barry; Iris is certainly convinced she does.

Snert is looking for something to deal with Barry, and a man offers him a cold gun stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs; since the incident, security there is minimal. Leonard then shoots the man who brought him the gun. Dr. Wells is also not happy that the gun is stolen. He is certainly not happy that Cisco built a weapon in the first place. Especially a weapon that can hurt Barry. S.T.A.R. Labs apparently does not do weapons.

This is the first ‘supervillain’ the Flash has gone up against who isn’t a meta-human, but a vanilla human with a gadget. And, despite not finishing school, quite a bit of intelligence. Barry and the rest of his team have to grasp the true meaning of partnership, as does Joe with Eddie.

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