The 100 – Watch the Thrones

“Watch the Thrones” is episode four of season three of The 100.

In the previous episode, “Ye Who Enter Here”, a member of Ice Nation destroyed Mount Weather using the self destruct (do people actually build facilities with self destructs?) using the codes provided by the last of the Mountain Men. Only Raven and Sinclair, who were chasing the assassin, survived the attack.

This episode opens with the Ice Queen being brought before Lexa. She would be executed, but the queen calls a vote of no confidence in the Commander, which is backed by all the ambassadors – except Clarke, as the Skaikru ambassador. Consequently, there has to be a duel to the death. The Ice Queen chooses her son, Roan, as her champion; Lexa chooses to fight for herself, as it’s her power that is challenged. Clarke, having seen Roan fight, doesn’t believe Lexa will win, so tries to come up with some way of stopping the fight.

Back at Camp Arkadia, there is more trouble brewing. Bellamy, blaming himself for being duped about the attack, has resigned his position. Pike, the leader of Farm Station, who lost yet more of his people in the 49 killed in Mount Weather, is getting more aggressive. Pike believes the only good Grounder is a dead one; attacks by Ice Nation after they landed had already killed many of his crew. Lexa has sent troops to protect Arkadia; Pike states that they are an invading army, and should be dealt with before they attack. This situation is going to rapidly spiral out of control, as many people believe Pike and the election for Chancellor is coming up. If Pike has his way, open warfare will break out between Skaicru and the Grounders who follow Lexa, and Pike’s belief that the Grounders can be easily defeated with automatic weapons is probably overconfident.

Still nothing from Murphy and Jaha.

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