Star Trek: Voyager – The Q and the Grey

“The Q and the Grey” is episode eleven of season three of Star Trek: Voyager.

Voyager is watching a supernova. Only two other crews in the history of Starfleet have witnessed one and none that close. Afterwards, Chakotay suggests that Captain Janeway head to her quarters for some rest, and she agrees. However, when she enters them, her bed has become a red satin number decorated in heart-shaped pillows. She notifies security, although there is no response, then Q shows his face, dressed in a dressing gown. He’s ensured that there will be no interruptions, and changes the captain’s attire. She is not impressed.

Q explains that, of all the females of all the species in all the galaxies, he has chosen Janeway to be the mother of his child. He assumes she is asking why he chose her. The captain assumes that it’s because no-one else will have him. Q decides that the captain is playing hard to get. She corrects him; impossible to get. Q decides that this is a challenge and is going to be fun, before disappearing. Not the response Janeway was looking for. The captain contacts Chakotay to tell him about the visitation, and that Q will probably be back. She’s also sure he’s up to something.

The next day, in the captain’s ready room, Chakotay is wondering just what the personal request Q had was. The captain explains. This bothers Chakotay. Q shows up and decides that Chakotay is jealous. And why would anyone want Chakotay anyway? If it’s the tattoo, Q’s is bigger. Not big enough, according to the captain.

Q continues showing up and Captain Janeway has told the crew to find out just what is going on. He next appears at the new resort seen in the previous episode, “Warlord”, where Harry and Tom are working. Q wants some advice; he’s tried everything, yet Janeway continues to reject him. Harry suggests that perhaps she just doesn’t like him. They want to know what he’s really after. When Q asks for advice, Tom gives him some. Give up. After they leave, Q tries Neelix instead. That isn’t greeted well either.

Once again, the captain is in her ready room, when this time she hears something whining. Q has brought a puppy. She tells him it isn’t going to work. Q apologises; he hasn’t been sincere. The truth is, he’s lonely. He’s been single for billions of years and wants a relationship. Janeway isn’t buying it. She’s not the right kind of woman for him. Someone agrees with that. Q. Another Q; a female one this time. Not just any Q; Q’s Q. They’ve been involved for 4 billion years.

Chakotay contacts the captain from the bridge. Another star is going supernova. Both Qs follow onto the bridge. Then another star is going as well, and the subspace shockwave is collapsing the warp field, so Voyager can’t warp out. Captain Janeway does not think this is a coincidence. On average, one supernova happens a century in the galaxy, and for three to happen in less than three days means she suspects Q. Ms. Q says that Janeway is right. That Q’s irresponsible behaviour is having cosmic consequences. Captain Janeway demands Q get them out of there. Only Q only takes himself and the captain off the bridge.

Q has taken Captain Janeway to the Q Continuum. She is concerned about her ship; he tells her it’s gone beyond that, or the two of them, but to the future of the Continuum itself. He shows her. The Continuum is in civil war. Q asks if Janeway remembers Quinn, the Q who committed suicide in “Death Wish”. She does. Q said that his death could have unforeseen consequences. Well, this is those consequences. Quinn’s call for freedom and individualism spread after his death, taken up by Q. The others opposed it. The supernovae are a result of the conflict in the Continuum.

Q does have a plan, though. He was sincere about wanting Janeway to be the mother of his child, but not why. He believes that, by mating and having a child, they can resolve the conflict non-violently and transform the Continuum. A brilliant idea, according to Q. Not the word Jane4way would have chosen. Q believes that fresh blood will restore peace.

The conflict is continuing to spread and Voyager is in an area of exploding stars. If the conflict between the Q isn’t resolved soon, it could be very bad. Ms. Q makes the original Q look like the soul of politeness and manners.

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