Mutant X – Nothing to Fear

“Nothing to Fear” is episode nineteen of season one of Mutant X.

A man is being pursued by what appear to be GS agents when Shalimar drops down in front of him and asks if he’s Henry. He is. They have to go and she call for Brennan. The GS agents are showing their usual level of competence when Brennan shows up. He tells Shalimar and Henry to keep going, but the GS agents leave and Brennan follows.

Shalimar asks Henry how long the GSA has been onto him. 4-5 weeks, but he thought he could handle them. They were persistent, though. They usually are, according to Shalimar, which makes them backing off now odd. Henry wants to know where they are going and when Brennan is meeting them. Shalimar says she doesn’t remember Brennan telling Henry his name (bit of a goof; Brennan might not have but Shalimar yelled it out when Henry was next to her). Henry has removed a glove, showing glowing lines on his hand. He touches his hand to Shalimar’s head and seems to be sucking something from her until Brennan shows up and zaps him. The mark on Shalimar’s head fades as Brennan shows up.

Adam and Emma are with Shalimar at the Sanctuary; the latter says she should have figured out Henry was GSA, given the way the agents fell back. Henry is a psionic and Shalimar says it was if he was reading her, like Emma used to. Like he was inside her head. There’s no obvious physical damage and Shalimar says she’s a little tired and is going to have a nap.

Eckhart enters a train carriage that is full of dangling photos, to meet with Henry. Henry says the feral is under his control and he will be able to reel them in one by one. Eckhart is concerned that Henry is going to be more interested in torturing Mutant X than getting what he needs; the location of Sanctuary and details in the New Mutant underground.

Shalimar is asleep and Brennan tucks her in before speaking to Jesse, who is looking into Henry. Henry was married, but his wife is dead. She worked at the GSA and died in action 9 months ago.

Henry is sitting down and the marks on Shalimar’s face start to glow. She gets up, although the colours are funny, and goes to the computer. Emma approaches and realises that Shalimar is disabling the security system. Shalimar knocks Emma down and GS agents arrive and take Emma, Jesse and Brennan before they have a chance. Adam takes a bit longer before he, too, is restrained.

Eckhart tells Shalimar that they will never forgive her, nothing will change what she’s done. She grabs Eckhart and threatens to kill him. He tells her Henry is controlling the situation. She doesn’t have a chance. Despite trying, Shalimar is restrained.

It’s not a great surprise to discover that Shalimar is actually asleep, with the mark on her head glowing. Adam says she’s in a coma; Henry is controlling her subconscious whilst she’s asleep. Whatever happening is affecting her body as well. Emma wants to help but Adam is concerned that Henry might grab her as well. Shalimar’s on her own.

Shalimar now appears to be at the GSA and Eckhart is telling her nothing will change the facts. She led his people to Sanctuary and they now have all of her teammates in custody. Tell him what he wants to know. Or his people will torture Emma until she does. They have bets on as to how long she will last.

In real life, Eckhart is finding out how it’s going from Henry. Henry shows him, by touching him. Eckhart tells him never to do that again. But that is a very good impression of Eckhart that Henry is doing. Eckhart does think Henry is more interested in watching Shalimar suffer, though. Henry says he is doing what he needs to do. Eckhart wants Shalimar alive; he has a stasis pod with her name on it. Also, who’s the woman in the dangling photos? Henry tells him he should know; she used to work at the GSA. Eckhart has no memory of her.

Fake-Eckhart is now torturing Shalimar with fire, which is causing her to suffer burns in real life. He tells Shalimar that he’s doing it to her because of what she did to him. That’s probably not Eckhart talking; that’s probably Henry revealing his true feelings. Perhaps involving his wife. Emma does manage to contact Shalimar, which concerns Adam, and tells her it’s a dream and to fight back.

The problem is, Henry can get inside the minds of those he touches, and can find out their fears. Which means everyone ends up in a pretty unpleasant dreamscape. It seems highly likely what happened to Henry’s wife is important.

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