Star Trek: Voyager – Remember

“Remember” is episode six of season three of Star Trek: Voyager.

Voyager is three days away from Enara Prime. They picked up some Enaran passengers and are giving them a much faster trip home. In return, the Enarans are giving Voyager their energy conservation technology. In engineering, B’Elanna is working with two Enarans, Jessen and Jora Mirell. Jessen is younger and she’s never been back home before; the journey takes too long. Jora Mirell, an old woman, describes things she will see. The components are still slightly out of sync with the EPS conduits. Jessen wonders if Harry will help. B’Elanna is sure she would, if Jessen asks. They are done for the night and Jora Mirell heads to bed. Harry says it’s just the three of them. B’Elanna suggests she is tired two, and is quickly left by herself.

That night, B’Elanna is asleep when she wakes to a tapping sound. On a window, which she opens after getting out of bed. She’s not on a spaceship, and she’s happy to see the young man there. She wakes to Chakotay, who tells B’Elanna that her duty shift started 20 minutes ago. She wasn’t answering. This is the second morning she’s been late. No, he isn’t concerned about the duty schedule; he wants to know if she’s fine. And not fine like finishing the hoverball championship with a broken ankle. B’Elanna explains she’s been having dreams, the most sensual ones she’s had in her life, they feel absolutely real. She’s with an Enaran, and not one of the passengers. In the dreams, she knows she’s in love. Chakotay is not to repeat a word of this.

Neelix has redecorated the mess hall to honour the Enarans, everything authentic. An Enaran, Jor Brel, is playing an instrument and Captain Janeway is enjoying listening. Afterwards, she says she wishes she could play an instrument. Jor Brel gives her it and she starts playing. Rather well. Jor Brel is holding his hand behind her. The Enarans are telepathic and can share experiences though a telepathic link it seems. Jor Brel thought that was what the captain wanted. Neelix inquiries about B’Elanna; Chakotay thinks she may have gone to bed early.

This dream is about B’Elanna – Korenna in the dream – being told by a man – Korenna’s father, Jareth – that he doesn’t like her friends. Namely, the young man who came to her the previous night. This is going about as well as might be expected. After Jareth leaves, it seems the young man was still there and they continue making out. Only for him to turn burned and dead, jolting B’Elanna awake.

After a regular briefing to Chakotay. B’Elanna explains about how the dreams are turning weird. How there is a definite relationship and her father doesn’t approve of her lover. Each dream advances the story. Yes, like a holonovel, but it feels like it’s actually happening. B’Elanna has never had dreams like this before and neither feels that this is a coincidence with a number of telepaths onboard. Chakotay will tell the captain and B’Elanna heads to engineering. Only to have a dream in the day, about Jareth giving an award to his daughter and others, and talking about some who resist progress. Kes finds B’Elanna unconscious.

B’Elanna wakes is sickbay. The Doctor explains she had implanted memories, not dreams, and they were not quite compatible, so caused minor damage. He can stop her from having the dreams. She’d like to know the end of the story. The Doctor doesn’t think curiosity is worth risking brain damage over.

The captain heads to see Jor Brel and B’Elanna accompanies her. He says that they can share memories through mutual consent, but there are strict ethics regarding it. Some alien races have picked up from the slight telepathic field Enarans generate, but not to this extent. Jor Brel thinks B’Elanna’s memories are coming from several people. In other words, nothing happened the way B’Elanna remembers. After Jor Brel leaves, Janeway says the situation will resolve itself. But she’s going to investigate anyway. B’Elanna wants to speak to the two Enarans from engineering but the captain tells her to rest.

B’Elanna, of course, decides she wants to know the end of the story, to find out what happened. It seems the Enarans have been hiding some nastiness in their past. Hints were given about this in some of the earlier dreams, but the later ones make things clearer.

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