Star Trek: Voyager – Initiations

“Initiations” is episode two of season two of Star Trek: Voyager.

Chakotay is narrating his personal log. He’s in a shuttle and the captain has granted the time for a solitary ritual commemorating the anniversary of his father’s death. However, his craft is on the screen of a Kazon vessel, and one of the Kazon wants to teach Chakotay the price of displaying his markings in their space. The ship’s commander wants Kar to go, to give him the chance to earn his name, when he will finally be called Ogla. Chakotay’s first indication that there is something wrong is when his shuttle is fired upon. Asking why results in him being told he is in Kazon-Ogla space and no-one who violate it leave alive.

Despite Chakotay’s statements, the other craft does not stand down and he warns it a final time before targeting the engines. With the craft about to blow, and no response or escape pod, Chakotay beams the sole occupant onboard. He attempts to contact Voyager, but long-range comms, and some other systems, were damaged in the battle.

On Voyager, Neelix is talking to Captain Janeway. He thinks he isn’t making significant contributions. The captain says he is; as morale officer he is helping and, tasting the food he has just brought, says that, as chef, his meals are the highlight of every day. Which is not quite the same as saying they are always good. Neelix feels he is underutilised – it seems he wasn’t invited to the holodeck defence simulations. Tuvok contacts the captain and Janeway heads to the bridge, asking Neelix to accompany her and promising that, next time, he will be invited. The ship is ready to depart but Chakotay has not returned and the last contact was six hours ago. The captain says they will go and get him.

Chakotay has tied up the Kazon, who seems young (played by Aron Eisenberg, Nog from Deep Space Nine). He tells Kar they are welcome for him saving their life, and he accepts their surrender. He promises to hand the boy over to the Kazon ship. Which now seems to be approaching. He gets Kar’s name and contacts the ship, saying he has Kar onboard and wants to arrange a transfer. The ship does not respond, instead locking onto the shuttle with a tractor beam Kar asks Chakotay to kill him, as there are worse things than being killed by your enemy.

On the Kazon ship, the one who said Kar was not ready, Haliz, reiterates this to Kar. Kar insists he was ready to kill or die; it’s all Chakotay’s fault, for pulling him out with his transporter. Kar wants to see the commander, Razik, as does Chakotay. After Haliz leaves, Kar explains how all Ogla earn their Ogla name – killing in battle or dying in battle basically – and, thanks to Chakotay, Kar will never earn his.

Voyager has found the last place Chakotay was and have found wreckage. It’s transported onboard to identify it and Tuvok has detected an ion trail that wasn’t left by a Federation vessel, which they follow.

Razik comes to see Kar and Chakotay. Kar says it wasn’t his fault; Razik tells him no excuses. And forgives him. Which is not what Kar wanted. Razik wants to know why Chakotay saved Kar; saving an enemy is an ineffective way of waging war. Chakotay is not at war. Razik says they are. If Chakotay knew it was Ogla territory, he wouldn’t have entered, but territory changes every day. Chakotay and his kind are a threat; the Kazon fought long and hard against uniforms like his. Uniforms, maybe, but not like Chakotay’s. His laws, uniforms and technology are still not wanted.

Several Kazon youngsters are brought to see Chakotay, who wants their impression of humans to be a good one. They are told that that Kar failed and will not earn his Ogla name even in death. The others are willing to kill Chakotay to earn their name, which gives the elders pride. They are here to learn the price of failure. Razik hands Chakotay a gun. If he kills Kar, he is free to go. Naturally, Chakotay takes Razik hostage with the gun instead and invited Kar to come with. Which he does; he might earn his name.

Chakotay and Kar end up on a Kazon-Ogla training moon. Which is full of traps. They end up having a discussion on the merits of uniforms and names. Voyager is also looking for them but Chakotay still has a problem as to what to do with Kar. Kar doesn’t want to leave his home but he currently lacks a place amongst the Kazon.

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