Star Trek: Voyager – Fury

“Fury” is episode twenty-three of season six of Star Trek: Voyager.

Tuvok enters the captain’s ready room. She asks him how long they’ve known each other and recaps their history. She counts Tuvok one of her closest friends. The captain has always been honest with him, yet Tuvok has been keeping something from her. It took exhaustive research, but finally she has arrived at the truth. The captain turns away and replicates something. Then turns back with a cake with a candle on it. She wishes him happy birthday. Tuvok asks if the captain has told anyone else. She hasn’t. Now, blow out the candle. Chakotay calls the captain to the bridge, but she waits until Tuvok complies. He states it was a fire hazard.

A distress call is coming from a small craft on an intercept course. Harry reports there’s one lifesign; Ocampan. It’s a much older Kes and she asks for help and permission to come aboard. This is granted, but Kes accelerates the ship on a collision course and causes a hull breach. She transported off before impact, though. Kes is walking through Voyager, causing destruction as she does.

Harry reports bulkhead ruptures and Tuvok reports that Kes is moving through those sections. Forcefields have no effect. She heads towards main engineering and security is unable to stop her. In engineering, Seven tells Kes to state her intentions. Hostile, it would seem. Kes touches the warp core and draws power from it, sending a blast through B’Elanna when she tries to stop Kes. Kes disappears and Seven reports that B’Elanna is dead.

Kes appears in engineering and changes to a younger form. B’Elanna asks if she’s lost. No; just familiarising herself with the ship. In the corridor, Kes the computer asks how long Voyager has been in the Delta Quadrant. 56 days, 17 hours. She’s gone back in time.

Kes heads to sickbay and tells the Doctor she forgot something, taking a hypospray when he isn’t watching. The Doctor talks about possible names; maybe the crew would give him more respect if he had one. And discovers Kes has walked out. In airponics, Kes, Young Kes, is working when she hears the door open. There’s no-one there, but Old Kes knocks Young Kes out with the hypospray when she turns away, and takes Young Kes’s commbadge.

Kes heads to the mess hall to get some coffee for Captain Janeway. Chakotay is in the captain’s ready room; they are talking about the Vidiians. Chakotay says the Vidiians were much like them before the Phage; he wonders how they’d behave in the same circumstances.

Kes arrives with the coffee as Chakotay leaves. Tuvok calls the captain to the bridge and Kes spills some coffee. Deliberately; it gives her an excuse to remain in the ready room, and thereby use the computer, when Janeway leaves. Tuvok reports to the captain that Ensign Wildman has a possible way of incapacitating the Vidiians with a neural agent. As Kes leaves the ready room and the bridge, Tuvok looks at her, seemingly sensing something.

At a briefing of the senior staff, Chakotay thinks the Vidiians are herding them somewhere. Indeed; to a region of subspace vacuoles, where they will have to drop to impulse every time they manoeuvre around them. The captain suggests they pre-program the entire course and let the ship navigate through, only briefly dropping to impulse every time. A course would be more accurate if they scanned the region ahead. Harry suggests sending a shuttle ahead. Tuvok recommends the Delta Flyer. No-one else knows what he’s talking about. Nor does Tuvok. Tom heads to the shuttle bay and finds Old Kes in a shuttle. She had been plotting a course to the Ocampa homeworld, but skates around that.

Tuvok next sees Naomi Wildman, and follows her to a cargo bay where he sees Seven of Nine and some of the Borg children regenerating. Clearly, Tuvok is seeing events from the future.

Old Kes, it seems, blames Captain Janeway for taking her from her homeworld and leaving her with no home. Not how it happened, but Old Kes doesn’t seem to remember that. She is quite a lot older, though, given she’s Ocampan. Old Kes wants to send her younger self home, and is willing to betray Voyager to the Vidiians to do so.

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