Star Trek: Voyager – Fair Trade

“Fair Trade” is episode thirteen of season three of Star Trek: Voyager.

Tuvok is doing his rounds when Neelix approaches. Neelix thought he was supposed to accompany Tuvok on his rounds. Tuvok didn’t think it was definite. Well it was. Sort of. Neelix has a desire to learn the ropes. He thinks he’s fully capable of being a Starfleet security officer. Tuvok informs him that opportunities must be earned. Neelix thinks he has more to contribute.

His next stop is engineering, where he starts asking questions of B’Elanna, who is working on the warp drive. Neelix has also been reading up on Federation warp propulsion systems and wants to learn more about engineering systems. Now is not a good time. Neelix is going to stay to watch, when Captain Janeway contacts him from the bridge.

Voyager has arrived at some interstellar dust clouds and the captain wants to know what Neelix can tell her about them, as they look rather ominous. Neelix believes they are the Nekrit Expanse. They sound rather ominous as well. As to what he can tell them about the Expanse. Well, it’s vast and no-one knows much about it. In other words, not a lot. Going around them would mean detouring by thousands of light years, so they will have to go through. Janeway will be counting on Neelix’s knowledge of the Expanse. First, are there any planets they can get supplies from? Well, Neelix remembers that there is a supply depot near the border, but he can’t quite remember the location. It’s picked up on sensors, though.

Bahrat, the station’s manager, hails them. Yes, they can come aboard for supplies but all transactions require his approval and he takes a 20% commission on all trades. The captain takes Neelix, Chakotay and Tom with her. She heads to see the manager with a list of supplies. He will put together a list of potential suppliers. Chakotay and Tom are approached by someone who can get them things. Things, in this case, meaning drugs. They decline.

Neelix is approaching someone, asking for a map of the Expanse. Apparently, there aren’t any. Another Talaxian, Wixiban, approaches; he’s an old friend of Neelix’s. Wix has never seen another Talaxian this far from home. They head to a tavern and Neelix explains what he does on Voyager. Wix thinks he’s very lucky.

Wix is not doing as well, ever since something he and Neelix were involved in went a bit wrong. He’s working on a trade deal to get right back into things. Neelix admits his position isn’t quite as rosy as he made it out to be. He might not be on Voyager much longer, because he’s been helping as a guide, but he’s never been beyond the Nekrit Expanse. He can’t tell the captain what’s ahead and has been trying to find other uses, but he isn’t really needed. That’s why he wants a map of the Expanse.

Neelix is in the mess hall when Chakotay brings Wix in. Wix managed to get some parts Voyager needed. Neelix, after Chakotay leaves, hustles the Vulcan ensign working on the replicator out as well. He hopes that what Wix sold wasn’t stolen property. Wix explains that he needs the work. He’s been stuck on the station for 3 years and his ship has been impounded. He has found someone who can provide Neelix with a map, though. By participating ion some bartering sessions for some needed medical supplies, Wix will also be able to get a map. Neelix must keep this quiet, because Bharat will want his cut and Wix can’t afford that. Wix needs Neelix’s help, with a shuttle and a transporter.

On the way in the shuttle, Neelix tells Wix he isn’t what he used to be. They are transporting to the station and Wix takes a phaser with him. As a precaution. On the station, in a dark and abandoned looking part, they meet Wix’s contact, Sutok. Who is the person that tried to sell drugs to Tom and Chakotay. That’s not a good sign. Neelix starts asking what kind of medical supplies they are. supplies that Sutok has no intention of paying for, and he shoots at them. Wix shoots back and kills him. He and Neelix have to beam out.

Neelix realises that they weren’t truly medical supplies, even though Wix says they had medicinal uses. They probably did; most drugs do. Neelix wants to tell the captain but Wix asks him what he thinks will happen when his crewmates find out the truth about him

And, of course, things start to spiral further out of control. No payment was received for what they were transporting, and those who funded the transaction are upset. Voyager is linked to the death of Sutok, which causes more problems. Neelix isn’t happy about where things are going, but he made a bit of a mess of things. All because he was afraid that he would be thrown off Voyager.

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