Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Price

“The Price” is episode eight of season three of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Troi is checking dispatches in her quarters. Three are from her mother; she asks for them to be transferred to her viewscreen, and for a real chocolate sundae. Not a replicated one. That request does not fall within nutritional guidelines. Troi is about to argue with the computer when the captain contacts her. The pleasure of her company is requested; they are having an impromptu reception for the arriving delegates in Ten Forward. It will be their first look at the wormhole. Troi heads there, not entirely willingly.

Riker greets Troi when she arrives; she asks for chocolate. The captain introduces Premier Bhavani; there is a great deal of excitement as the wormhole could boring a great deal of prosperity. The Federation negotiator, Mendoza, is introduced, as is Leyor of the Caldonians and Devinoni Ral, a human representing the Chrysalians. Both Troi and Ral stare at each other. Mendoza says Ral is the best hired gun in the business; he represents a variety of clients. The wormhole appears as they watch. The first and only stable wormhole known to exists can be theirs, says the premier, for the right price.

At the negotiations, the premier says their planet is inhospitable to most other lifeforms and their society has been dependent on others for generations. They want to end this and a stable wormhole is their first true natural resource, one they have neither the experience nor the technology to exploit. Riker contacts them and says a Ferengi delegate wishes to beam aboard. The premier wasn’t expecting the Ferengi, but has no objection to their bid.

All three Ferengi are beamed straight to the observation lounge and the leader immediately starts complaining. He is Damon Goss; the other two are Dr. Arridor and Kol. Goss wants chairs. He keeps asking for them. Picard tells him the other delegates have agreed that one representative will be sufficient. The other two Ferengi will be escorted to quarters. Then, Goss can have his chair. Following which, the captain leaves.

Troi is in her office looking up Ral when the man himself arrives. Negotiations are in recess. How about dinner tonight? His travelling companion? She’s travelling. Ral sent her home after he saw Troi.

Data is speaking to the captain, Riker and Mendoza in the captain’s ready room about a probe the Barzan sent through the wormhole. The Federation doesn’t think the Ferengi have the resources to exploit the wormhole. Riker thinks Ral is the one to look out for. Mendoza agrees; Riker must play poker. Is that a game? The traditional prelude to fleecing a mark.

A stable wormhole will have extraordinary value – if it lives up to its claim. Data states the Barzan lack manned space travel and they can’t tell how stable the wormhole is. Riker thinks they should take a look for themselves, and suggests Geordi. Data would like to join him. Picard wants a full sensor analysis first, to confirm it’s safe.

The Ferengi are currently plotting to incapacitate Mendoza. Troi evidently agreed to dinner with Ral. Though it looks like dinner itself is going to be delayed. Mendoza arrives in sickbay, then collapses.

Goss is complaining about the Federation sending a probe through. Picard says they will gladly share the results with all delegates. Do they expect Goss to believe that? Riker tells him to send in his own probe then. Goss intends to, and they should do themselves a favour and stay out of his way. Goss storms out of the ready room. The captain tells Riker to inform Data and Geordi to do themselves a favour and stay out of Goss’s way.

Then Dr Crusher contacts the captain. He and Riker arrive in sickbay to be told that Mendoza is out for a few days. The captain thinks that’s suspicious timing. Riker agrees. Picard wants Riker to fill in for Mendoza in the negotiations. The captain can’t; he’s the host. Plus, unstated but Picard may well be thinking it, this way the captain doesn’t have to deal with Goss. Riker is good at poker. Riker states that this is higher stakes. The captain tells him that’s when it gets interesting.

Data and Geordi’s shuttlecraft enter the wormhole, accompanied by the Ferengi pod. Riker starts filling in for Mendoza, and Ral acts in a rather condescending way towards him. It may just be an act, though. Meanwhile, Ral and Troi are getting quite close to each other. Ral also has a secret, one he shares with Troi. They also get into a discussion about ethics, and for everything, Ral may well have a point about what he says.

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