Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Mind’s Eye

“The Mind’s Eye” is episode twenty-four of season four of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Geordi is in a shuttle heading to an artificial intelligence seminar on Risa. Captain Picard ordered him to arrive a few days early to have fun and relax, and Geordi plans to follow these orders. He’s already relaxing in the shuttle and playing a game against the computer when a Romulan Warbird decloaks in front of him. He’s unable to call for help and is beamed off.

The Enterprise is heading to the Klingon colony of Krios as they have been ordered to escort a special emissary of the Klingon High Council there. The colony is fighting for independence. Ambassador Kell is speaking to Captain Picard and Commander Riker in the captain’s ready room about the matter. Once, the empire would have crushed the rebellion. It’s now tolerated as they have enough problems on their home planet that they don’t want to waste resources on a trivial war.

Kell is asked if independence will be granted. Perhaps; they can always conquer them again later. The captain asks why they are involved. Because the governor, Vagh, has charged that the Federation is secretly aiding the rebels. Kell has been sent to examine the evidence and he invited the captain along as many on the council respect Picard. The captain answers modestly; Kell says that’s very human, so he will excuse it. Captain Picard wants Kell to see Worf about security. Worf’s discommendation makes working with him tricky and Kell would prefer another. His preferences are irrelevant.

Geordi is being strapped into a chair in the warbird and someone who looks similar is going to the conference in his stead. Geordi’s VISOR is removed and Romulan Subcommander Taibak wants to show Geordi something. Geordi can’t see without his VISOR. Not quite true, according to Taibak. Taibak tells another Romulan, a woman in shadows, that They will link directly to Geordi’s implants and Geordi will see what Taibak wants him to see, and be unable to ignore it. Once done, Geordi will act normally and his implants make this nearly impossible to detect. The woman, who sounds oddly familiar, asks how they will now this is a success. By having Geordi perform a series of specific test, both here and on the Enterprise.

Worf and Kell are speaking about the rebels attacking neutral freighters. They believe the rebels are hiding in an asteroid belt. Worf doubts they will attack a Federation starship though. Especially if the Federation is funding them, according to Kell. Worf takes offence and Kell apologises. He hopes the Federation isn’t assisting, as he risked his own reputation coming to Captain Picard. Kell also says there are many on the council who would thank Worf for killing Duras in “Reunion”. It doesn’t matter that Worf’s motives were personal; he acted like a true Klingon.

Geordi is now in a simulation of Ten Forward. He’s asked to kill Chief O’Brien, but initially hesitates before doing it. Taibak says Geordi hesitated, so they need more work.

The Enterprise is now orbiting Krios and Geordi has returned to be greeted by Data. Data needs some humour explaining. They arrive on the bridge and Geordi is going to help analyse the evidence against the Federation. Troi assumes Geordi has a good time. Governor Vagh contacts them; they’re ready to transport to the surface. Data tells Commander Riker there’s an unusual e-band fluctuation.

On the planet, the captain wants to know what evidence Vagh has that the Federation is intervening. Medical supplies recovered from rebel strongholds. The Federation doesn’t restrict its medical supplies. How about its weapons? For they have what look like Federation phasor rifles. The captain wants to verify its origin. He’s sure a third party must be involved. Vagh says this is the only Klingon colony on the edge of Federation space. He insults the captain, who responds in proper style – for a Klingon. Vagh compliments him.

Geordi has clearly been brainwashed, but he has no knowledge of it and is actually involved in the investigation to find, as it happens, himself, and is doing his part efficiently. Though some evidence appears to point to the Federation, given everything else, the Romulans will be the true culprits.

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