Star Trek: The Next Generation – Final Mission

“Final Mission” is episode nine of season four of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Captain Picard is planning to head to Pentarus V to negotiate a mining dispute but there’s another situation to deal with first. Wesley comes running onto the bridge; he’s apparently late and the captain is having a go at him. Essentially, winding Wesley up as he’s heading to Starfleet Academy. First, Wesley can accompany the captain to Pentarus V to observe the effects of outpost judiciary decisions on Federation law.

Worf announces a general distress call being received. It’s coming from Chairman Songi of Gamelan V; an unidentified spacecraft in orbit is increasing radiation levels on the planet. They can only assume they’re under attack. The ship won’t answer hails and they have no means of defence. Captain Picard checks and there are no other ships in the vicinity; he orders Riker to take the Enterprise to investigate. Meanwhile, he and Wesley will be leaving on the shuttle.

Geordi is talking to the mining shuttle’s captain, Dirgo, as the captain and Wesley arrive. Wesley isn’t impressed that someone piloting a mining shuttle calls himself captain. Picard states the craft seems… very sturdy. Wesley will take ops whilst the captain studies the relevant laws. The Enterprise departs.

On the shuttle, tit suddenly suffers problems and many systems go offline. They can’t make it to their destination, and Wesley says there’s a barely M-class moon of Pentarus III. They head to it.

The shuttle has crashed and the moon is more than a little hot. Comms are down and the transponder is broken. Dirgo has medical supplies, but food and water were provided by the replicator, which is broken beyond repair. This isn’t a starship; Dirgo has to pick and choose what he can carry. They definitely need water.

The Enterprise has arrived at Gamelan V. The ship orbiting it is an unmanned sublight freighter of unknown origin. Radiation is off the scale and the engines have been inactive for approximately 300 years. It’s full of unstable waste products. A garbage scow. Riker contacts the chairman and fills her in and Dr Crusher asks if anyone is suffering radiation sickness. Not yet, but soon. Riker wants to push the freighter into the sun. Data states there’s an asteroid belt in the way. Geordi doesn’t want to get too close to the freighter, because of the radiation. Instead, he wants to send over a construction module to attach thrusters. Then Worf receives a message from Pentarus V; Captain Picard has not arrived.

Picard is making an arrow to point towards the mountains; they can’t stay near the shuttle. Dirgo thinks it’s too far away. Wesley has a go at Dirgo, but the captain says he would welcome any other suggestions from Dirgo. Dirgo has none. They set off, but it appears Dirgo is hiding a drink. On the way, Wesley says he can detect low frequency EM radiation. It might be artificial.

At the mo9untains, there’s a cave with stairs inside it. Wesley says the EM pattern has changed. Dirgo drops his flask; it isn’t water, but an alcoholic drink from his home. The captain points out that alcohol will just make his thirst worse. The drink is far more valuable as a coolant or disinfectant.

Dr Crusher is briefing her medical staff when Troi enters. The closest starship to the shittle is almost a week away. The mining settlements have been asked to help. Troi reassures the doctor, but the doctor says she’s alright, and she has work to do.

Worf tells Riker the miners have very few operable shuttlecraft and want to know when the Enterprise will be joining them. If this works, they will be on their way. Thereby guaranteeing problems by jinxing the matter.

The cave on the moon has water, but it’s protected by a forcefield and more. Dirgo gets impatient and the captain is inured as a result, protecting Wesley. Picard tells Wesley he’s in charge and to watch Dirgo. Because Dirgo is frankly a nuisance.

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