Star Trek: The Next Generation – Coming of Age

“Coming of Age” is episode nineteen of season one of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Wesley is calling out to another boy, Jake, to see how he’s doing. Fine really. Wesley says he’s sorry, then Dr Crusher tells him to report to transporter room 8. Jake says it’s not Wesley’s fault; Wesley wishes they were both going.

The Enterprise is in orbit around Relva VII, where Wesley is going to take the entrance exam to Starfleet Academy. Picard’s old friend, Admiral Quinn, has also requested to beam aboard. After Wesley beams down, the admiral beams up, together with another he introduces as Lt. Cmdr. Dexter Remmick. Quinn needs to speak to the captain alone. Yes, it’s official business, but no, Commander Riker can’t join them. Though ‘alone’ seems to mean ‘with Remmick.’

In the captain’s ready room, Quinn states that Remmick is from the Inspector General’s office and he is going to conduct a full investigation of the Enterprise. There may be something very wrong on the ship, though it would be inappropriate to discuss it at the time. Quinn tells Remmick he will find out what is wrong and Picard is ordered to cooperate in any way necessary. After Remmick leaves, Quinn tells Captain Picard that it is vital his orders are followed exactly, and he will be staying on the ship.

On the planet, Wesley is playing with something when a young woman enters; Oliana Mirren, one of the other finalists. Two more arrive, T’Shanik, a Vulcan (Tasia Valenza, who will later play the Shenzhou computer in Star Trek: Discovery), who thinks Wesley doesn’t look old enough to make the age requirement – he will be 16 next month – and Mordock, a Benzite. Wesley has heard of Mordock and thought he was already in Starfleet. Lt. Chang, the tac officer in charge, arrives and tells them they are all here because they are top candidates, but only one of them will make it through. This seems an improbably way of recruiting candidates for the Academy. One a year from each location? It would years to get enough people to staff the Enterprise alone.

Remmick is on the bridge of the Enterprise, taking notes and making people uncomfortable. Riker decides to find out what is going on and heads to see the captain in his ready room. As first officer, Riker should know everything the captain does. Picard agrees. It’s Riker’s job to make sure the ship runs smoothly. Is he under investigation? The captain doesn’t know – and even if he did, couldn’t tell him. Remmick wants to speak to Riker now; but he declines. Later, when it doesn’t interfere with his duties.

On the testing station, Wesley and the others have finished their first test and have an hour break. Oliana makes a comment about Wesley’s skill and tells him it’s a good thing he’s cute. When she leaves, Wesley comments to Mordock that she said he was cute. Is that a good thing? Yes. He thinks.

Remmick now gets to speak to Commander Riker. He wants to know about seeming discrepancies in the captain’s log. Has he ever falsified the log? Riker is required to answer the questions – unless he is trying to cover something up. Remmick then speaks to Geordi about Kosinski, and how in, “Where No One Has Gone Before”, the bridge crew didn’t think much of him ye the captain gave him access to the engines anyway. The captain was ordered to do so. One way or another, Picard lost control of the ship. Is this true? Well, yes. Next up is Counselor Troi and whether Picard is fit to command a starship, given the incidents of “The Battle”.

Wesley is in a holodeck when Worf arrives. Wesley is worried by the psych test; facing your deepest fear and living through it. He thought he would try to scare himself. Worf tells him that thinking about what he can’t control is a waste of energy. They will analyse Wesley’s psych profile and find his deepest fear. It was very accurate for those tested with Worf, including himself. Wesley thought nothing could frighten a Klingon warrior. Worf tells him that only fools have no fear. For Worf, it is difficult to depend on anyone for anything, especially his life. Wesley says that, on the Enterprise, Worf has to do it every day. How did he overcome his fear? It’s still his enemy.

On the bridge, Tasha notifies them about an unauthorised entry to the main shuttle bay. Jake Kurland has taken a shuttle; he’s heading to Beltane IX to sign on with a freighter. Unfortunately, Jake does something wrong and his shuttle is going to burn up. He’s out of transporter range and of the tractor beam. Remmick gets told, when he starts talking, that he can shut up or Picard will have him removed from the bridge. Picard calmly talks Jake through it, and even Remmick is impressed. For a moment; then he becomes annoying again.

Remmick continues his questions, speaking to Worf, Data and Dr Crusher, bringing up the incidents of “The Naked Now” and “Justice”. He’s not winning any popularity contests. Meanwhile, Wesley is going through more tests. Finally, Admiral Quinn reveals just why he wanted the investigation doing.

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