Star Trek: Enterprise – Vanishing Point

“Vanishing Point” is episode ten of season two of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Hoshi and Trip are in some ruins on a now-uninhabited planet. There are inscriptions on the walls that Hoshi can’t read; Trip is taking pictures of them. Captain Archer contacts Trip, asking if they are finished. The storm hasn’t changed course and they need to get back to Enterprise. Trip says they’ll be in the shuttlepod in 4-5 minutes. T’Pol reports there’s another storm, bigger and stronger, and it’s driving the first faster. Reed says the storms are diamagnetic, saturated with polaric energy.

The captain contacts Trip again; they may not be able to see the storm yet. They really can. The shuttlepod is out of the question. Hoshi thinks the ruins should protect them. The captain doesn’t want to take the chance; Reed will transport them up. Hoshi really doesn’t want to use the transporter, but Trip reassures her. She agrees, as long as he goes first. Trip is beamed out fine and Hoshi follows. She’s still uncertain after arriving.

Hoshi is washing in her quarters, and sees something in the mirror, when the captain arrives. She can be at her post in a few minutes. The captain says tomorrow is fine. He assumes they want to finish the survey tomorrow, weather permitting. They did leave a shuttlepod behind, after all. They wouldn’t use the transporter to get it, but the other shuttlepod.

In the mess hall, Hoshi asks if she can join Travis, Reed and Trip. Initially, they seem not to hear her. Hoshi doesn’t feel right after the transporter and wants to find out what happened to the people used to test it. Cyrus Ramsay is mentioned; Hoshi hasn’t heard of him. The subject of the first long-distance – 100m – transport. Something was wrong with the pattern buffer and he never rematerialized. The captain contacts Trip to tell him the storm is breaking up. Travis can go with to get the shuttlepod. Everyone leaves but Hoshi.

Hoshi heads to sickbay and initially can’t find Dr Phlox. Nor, it seems, did he hear her. Phlox says she’s all in one piece; she won’t be the next Cyrus Ramsay. Hoshi hasn’t felt right since using the transporter; a mark on her nose has moved position. Phlox recommends sleep.

Hoshi is woken by T’Pol; she’s needed on the bridge. It’s 11:00 and her shift started three hours ago. Trip and Travis have been taken hostage by the people on the planet, who didn’t like their sacred ruins being disturbed. The uninhabited planet. T’Pol says the chambers photographed contained sacred relics. Someone contacts the ship using Travis’s communicator. Hoshi can’t translate, either with the Universal Translator or without. The captain suggests she gets some rest and ignores her response. In her quarters, Hoshi’s reflection in the mirror becomes transparent, then water passes through her in the shower.

Back in the mess hall and T’Pol doesn’t hear her initially. Odd, given her Vulcan hearing. T’Pol says the hostage situation has been resolved. Crewman Baird deciphered the language, with the UT, and once they agreed to return the soil and rock samples and destroy the photos, Travis and Trip were returned. Baird is now in charge of comms.

People seem to be ignoring Hoshi. Not just rudeness either; it’s as if they sometimes don’t know she’s there. Then technology starts to do the same. And she starts hearing voices. Hoshi seems to be fading.

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