Star Trek: Enterprise – The Breach

“The Breach” is episode twenty-one of season two of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Hoshi arrives in sickbay at feeding time. Dr Phlox hands her a tribble; he says they’re difficult to acquire as they’re outlawed on most worlds. They’re not dangerous; all they do is eat and breed. But they breed prodigiously. Then he feeds it to another animal, to Hoshi’s shock. She has a transmission for him from the Denobulan Science Academy marked urgent. It doesn’t look like good news.

Phlox briefs the senior staff about a cave system known for its mineral formations; a Denobulan science team has been underground in it for six months. The Science Academy lost contact with them six weeks ago. Xantoras, the planet the caves are on, has been politically unstable for several years and a militant faction has just taken control. Offworlders have been told to leave, on threat of prison or worse. The Denobulans can’t get there in time, but Enterprise is less than a day away, so they’ve been asked to get the scientists. Travis has caving experience, so Captain Archer delegates control of the trip to him.

Travis is packing a shuttlepod with Reed and Trip accompanying him when the captain arrives. He spoke to the regional governor; they have three days. If they haven’t found the Denobulans in a day and a half, head back.

When the captain returns to the bridge, he is informed that a transport leaving the planet has declared an emergency; their reactor casing has ruptured. They aren’t allowed to return to the planet so the captain orders a course be set to the transport. They dock with it and the injured are brought to sickbay. One gives Phlox pause.

Archer arrives in sickbay and speaks to Phlox about the patient who gave Phlox pause. Who comes around and is not happy to see Phlox; he’d rather die than be treated by him. Phlox speaks to the captain outside; the other is an Antaran. Denobulans and Antarans fought several wars. The last 300 years ago. And there’s still bad blood. A lot of it; they were rather bitter disputes. Without the Antaran, Hudak’s, permission, Phlox can’t treat him. Hippocrates was not Denobulan and treating a patient without their consent is against Denobulan medical ethics. Even on an Earth ship, ordered by the captain, Phlox won’t treat him.

Archer goes to see Hudak himself. Hudak would prefer to be treated by another physician. Or die. The last conflict saw 20 million Antaran dead. He’s the first to see a Denobulan in six generations. Hudak suggests the captain read the historical archives. The captain prefers first-hand experience, and this doesn’t match the Denobulans he’s met.

Archer then goes to speak to Phlox. Phlox explains that during his childhood he was taught the Antarans are evil, and the Antarans are similarly taught. Archer suggests Phlox try to reach out to Hudak; his ethics may prevent treatment, but they don’t prevent talking. Phlox does try, which is difficult going. Hudak manages to annoy Phlox, which is a first. Whoever was in the wrong at any time in any of the wars, both sides have been encouraging the bitterness and hatred to linger. Although Phlox, it seems, has not.

The others are entering the caves; Travis is certain the Denobulans have entered this way. Even when they come to a cliff. They rappel down the cliff and, when they spot for a break on a ledge, a box of rock samples is found. They quickly start running into problems.

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