Star Trek: Enterprise – Shadows of P’Jem

“Shadows of P’Jem” is episode fifteen of season one of Star Trek: Enterprise.

In San Francisco, Ambassador Soval is complaining to Admiral Forrest about the loss of P’Jem, one of their most sacred sanctuaries. Forrest thinks the Vulcan High Command should take some responsibility, as they were using it as a surveillance station, discovered by the Enterprise in “The Andorian Incident”. Soval states they were observing a dangerous and aggressive neighbour. The Andorians wouldn’t have discovered this if not for the admiral’s people. In six months, they’ve destabilised the entire sector. Forrest isn’t buying this. Soval thinks another would have been a better choice for the Enterprise than Archer. Vulcans don’t get to make that decision. Soval remembers that they used to seek Vulcan guidance; he regrets that time has passed. Soval has been recalled to Vulcan for talks and joint fleet operations are suspended. After Soval leaves, Forrest wants Captain Archer contacting.

The captain is dining with Trip. They are going to Coridia, with whom the Vulcans have a mining agreement. The chancellor has invited them to the capital city. Archer is just going to take Hoshi, to keep numbers limited. Pity, because the captain is sure Trip would have loved to see the warp 7 construction yards. Perhaps Trip could lend Hoshi his camera. Archer is winding Trip up. Then Hoshi contacts them; Admiral Forrest for the captain.

Forrest tells the captain that the Andorians destroyed the monastery. They gave the occupants three hours to get out first. The Vulcans are not taking it well. Forrest admits the Andorian commandos are dangerous. Try not to get involved in interspecies conflicts. And there’s more bad news.

T’Pol arrives at the captain’s ready room. He tells her about the destruction of P’Jem; the monks are fine, but he doesn’t know about the relics. And the Vulcan High Command considers T’Pol responsible; she’s being recalled. T’Pol is certain a suitable replacement will eb found; she was only intended to be onboard for 8 days. Archer thinks the Vulcans are looking for a scapegoat, and T’Pol is it. An emotional reaction. T’Pol says she was supposed to represent the interests of the Vulcan people and her superiors think she hasn’t done that. Archer still objects.

T’Pol is in the mess hall when Dr Phlox talks to her. He assumes she was promoted. T’Pol corrects him. Phlox is sure the High Command will change its mind. T’Pol isn’t the first Vulcan officer posted to a human starship, but the others only lasted a few weeks. T’Pol has lasted six months and has become part of the crew.

Archer and T’Pol head for Coridia in a shuttlepod; the captain promises to get her back in plenty of time to meet with the Vulcan ship. Thereby guaranteeing he won’t. He thought T’Pol might enjoy one last trip with her captain. Or they could return to the Enterprise. T’Pol says they are only a few minutes from the capital; returning would be a waste of fuel. Then Trip contacts them, a fixed wing aircraft is approaching. The captain wonders if it’s an escort. The aircraft opens fire. T’Pol does not think it’s an escort. They are hit and brought down.

They are captured, tied up and hooded. Then people enter and remove the hoods. They appear to have a problem with the current government, which they say is kept in power by the Vulcans. Archer gets hit and T’Pol says he is the ship’s steward. They assume she’s the captain. Vulcans have a reputation for truthfulness and their captor assumes she isn’t lying. He assumes wrong. He says they picked a bad time to visit. He’s right.

Enterprise is told that the shuttlepod was forced down by a rebel faction. They had no idea the faction was capable of this. The two are almost certainly alive; the rebels want weapons in exchange for hostages. But don’t give them anything. Trip wants to look themselves.

Archer thinks the Vulcan database might have mentioned a civil war. T’Pol tells him that the government doesn’t consider this a civil war. They also take about P’Jem; Archer insists it was his fault. He also wants to fight to keep T’Pol. Even if she doesn’t.

Trip wants to try and find the captain and T’Pol. The Vulcans arrive early and say they are going to do it. Then another party intervenes as well. Things are going to get a bit messy.

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