Star Trek: Enterprise – Dawn

“Dawn” is episode thirteen of season two of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Trip is in Shuttlepod 1, testing some modifications he has made amongst the moons of a gas giant, when he gets contacted by Captain Archer. There’s a lot of interference, but the captain says a small vessel is approaching Trip. The other craft fires on him and Trip is forced down onto a moon.

Enterprise can’t contact Trip and the last thing Reed detected was weapons fire, then both ships disappeared. Sensors are having trouble and T’Pol says that the selenium in the atmospheres of many of the moons is interfering. There are 62 moons to search.

Trip treats his injuries and says for his log that something in the moon’s atmosphere neutralised his engines. He doesn’t think he can fly out, so he’s going to try and fix his transceiver. He’s working on it by a fire when he hears a noise. He investigates, without a gun, and gets shot at. Trip takes cover in the shuttlepod; then discovers the alien has stolen the transceiver.

Another ship approaches Enterprise. An Arkonian military vessel, according to T’Pol. She hasn’t dealt with them personally, but is aware of their reputation. If they’re in Arkonian territory, they need to proceed with extreme caution. The Arkonian ship hails them and its captain, Khata’n Zshaar. tells them to leave immediately; he’s under orders to destroy any ship that violates their territory. And why is there a Vulcan on the bridge?

Captain Archer apologises, but explains he has a missing crewman. They detected weapons fire. Zshaar sent a patrol ship to investigate when Trip’s shuttlepod was detected; he, too, has lost contact. Archer suggests they look together. Zshaar says Trip will already be dead. The captain isn’t leaving until he knows what happened and says that with two missing people and 62 moons, a search will go faster if they work together.

Trip is sneaking up on the Arkonian ship when he accidentally spots a warning device. He heads back to his ship. The other isn’t getting anywhere with the transceiver when he hears Trip. Trip set up a recording to lure the other away and gets to the transceiver. The other comes back, though, and during the fight, Trip is shot by the Arkonian’s weapon. Trip comes around to find he’s tied up. The Arkonian wants Trip to fix the transceiver.

T’Pol reports to the captain; the Arkonians don’t trust her because she’s a Vulcan. The Vulcans made first contact with the Arkonians about a hundred years ago, just after the Arkonians discovered warp flight. Humans accepted guidance and established cultural and diplomatic exchanges. The Arkonians did not and were suspicious and deceitful. The High Command withdrew the contingent eventually. T’Pol advises caution.

Trip is working on the transceiver; it’s still not dawn but the temperature has increased. He asks the Arkonian for water; he’s thrown something that is definitely not water, but is definitely disgusting, and ends up spilling a lot of it. When Trip injures himself, the Arkonian spits something that heals the wound.

During the night, it was rather chilly. When day comes, it’s going to get hot. Very hot. Trip and the Arkonian, Zho’Kaan, don’t share a language and don’t have a translator, and really need to work together. Something Zho’Kaan seems to have difficulty understanding.

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