Star Trek: Enterprise – Cold Front

“Cold Front” is episode eleven of season one of Star Trek: Enterprise.

The Suliban, Silik, first seen in “Broken Bow”, is fastened to a table being operated on by another Suliban whilst the strange figure watches. Silik complains that this is not part of the agreement. He’s told that he failed his last mission, and the Klingon Empire is intact. Now he has to face the consequences. He needs to succeed in his next mission. But he won’t need enhanced vision where he’s going.

Travis travels to the bridge in a turbolift with Hoshi; he wasn’t impressed with the film the previous night, especially as they have fifty thousand films onboard. Hoshi suggests trying a book. On the bridge, Reed asks if Travis enjoyed the show. Reed didn’t think much of the film choice either. The captain is being served breakfast by a crewman called Daniels, who asks why they’ve changed course. There’s an interstellar nursery and they’ve detected several ships inside.

Archer arrives on the bridge and Travis says they’ve found a ship. It appears to be a transport vessel and responds to their hails. The ship’s captain, Fraddock, seems uninterested in conversation. They may be exploring the galaxy; he is working. Escorting a group of spiritually minded men on a pilgrimage. Every 11 years a protostar gives off a neutron blast the pilgrims think is sacred. Fraddock does not. The Great Plume of Agosoria is due to erupt tomorrow. If Enterprise wants to see it, it’s their time to waste. Archer invites the pilgrims and Fraddock over. Fraddock prefers to stay on his ship but will ask the pilgrims.

Fraddock’s ship docks and some pilgrims, led by Prah Mantoos, do come onboard. Archer introduces Trip and T’Pol. Prah Mantoos has a gift, a clock, and another has a bottle of spirits. All Archer has is hospitality. That will be enough. They’ve prepared a meal and, though this time is normally spent fasting, Prah Mantoos accepts. One of the pilgrims looks suspicious. It’s probably Silik.

According to Prah Mantoos, a sacred text states this is where the universe began, part of the continuing cycle of creation. Dr Phlox says this is not unlike the Hindu faith. He studied Earth religions, and a Vulcan ceremony. Possibly-Silik understands the Vulcans are deeply spiritual people. T’Pol says their beliefs are based on logic and the pursuit of clarity.

Hoshi arrives on the bridge and Travis and Reed ask what the pilgrims are like. Archer is giving them a tour of the ship and Reed hopes that doesn’t include the armoury. Hoshi doesn’t think they look the type to steal military secrets. Reed thinks tactical systems should be off limits to species they are not familiar with. Reed then spots a problem with the targeting sensors and tells Travis he has the bridge whilst he checks on it. Hoshi encourages Travis to try out the command chair. After all, he is in command.

Trip is showing the pilgrims around engineering. He’s talking down a little too much as the pilgrims are not unfamiliar with warp technology. Possibly-Silik says he’s a warp field theorist. Out of sight, the pilgrim stretches his arm, in a Suliban way, to pull something out of part of the engine.

There’s a plasma storm and Fraddock suggests the Enterprise goes around it. The pilgrims are now in sickbay when the ship shakes. Archer contacts the bridge and is informed about the plasma storm. The ship is hit several times by strikes and a power surge happens in engineering. An antimatter cascade starts, but stops before it hits the engine. Trip says he didn’t stop it.

Archer says goodbye to the guests and invites them back tomorrow if they wish; Phlox is spending the night on the other ship. Trip asks the captain to come to engineering and shows him an unplugged conduit, the piece Silik pulled free. If that hadn’t been done, the shop would have exploded. Silik saved the ship, not sabotaged it. Trip says his people didn’t do it. Fraddock doesn’t think the pilgrims did.

Daniels asks to speak to the captain. Archer doesn’t have time. Until Daniels mentions the Suliban. And that Silik, the Suliban Archer fought on the Helix, is nearby. Daniels wants to speak to Archer in his quarters and removes a case. Not Starfleet issue, because he’s not Starfleet. He works for a different organisation, making sure Silik doesn’t interfere with historical events. The captain has never heard of such a group. That’s because it doesn’t exist yet. Has the captain heard of the Temporal Cold War?

Daniels comes from 900 years in the future and needs to capture Silik, but he needs Archer’s help to do so. Silik is being helped by people from an earlier century than his, who can’t physically manifest. There were laws made regarding time travel by all the species capable. But why did Silik save the Enterprise? Time travel can be confusing.

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