First Wave – Unearthed

“Unearthed” is episode twelve of season three of First Wave.

The episode opens at what looks like an archaeology dig in Akureyri, Iceland, in 1995. There are only two people there and the woman running it objects to her helper attacking the ground with a mattock. She says that he thinks she’s crazy, like the others. That Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor, the ultimate weapon against giants, monsters and all enemies of men and gods is a myth. She says it exists. And promptly unearths a hammer. She wants photos with the hammer and the man takes a number. As the camera flashes, the hammer trembles and the woman is knocked backwards. Then what looks like a wormhole opens and she’s sucked through. The man sticks the hammer into a box and drives off.

Raven Nation has intercepted a communique from the Gua about an all-powerful weapon the Gua have spent years looking for and are close to finding. There’s an archaeological dig site at a Viking settlement in Nova Scotia. Cade is posing as a tow truck driver; the dig appears to be in a wreckers’ yard.

At the dig, a man, Dr Speidel, is complaining to another, Bishop, about someone that has been assigned, Channing. He’s not what Speidel was expecting, a gentleman and a scholar, but a high-tech hotshot. Bishop says they hired Channing for his expertise, not social skills. Speidel tells Bishop that Bishop wouldn’t be there if not for him. Bishop reciprocates. Speidel doesn’t trust Channing. Speidel’s protégé is mentioned – by the sounds of it, the woman from earlier – and Speidel says he didn’t trust her either.

Channing is actually Eddie and Jordan is posing as Speidel’s assistant. He has no problem with her presence. Eddie says to Jordan that his thinks this is a joke; the reason things like Mjolnir are still myths is because they are not real. Jordan asks how the Vikings travelled thousands of miles in what was basically a big rowboat (which is perfectly feasible, frankly). Speidel thinks the hammer has a special property. Even if it did appear well before the First Wave.

Cade is heading in when Jordan contacts him. She tells him he needs to go to the tent Bishop was sat in front of. That’s where all the records are and that’s where any evidence of the Gua will be. Bishop’s head of security, meanwhile, has found Cade’s truck and checked the engine to see if it’s warm.

Eddie distracts everyone, getting out of the tent, by claiming to have found something. Everyone runs over, including Speidel. Eddie had buried a normal hammer. Inside the tent, Cade has opened a case and found the hammer from the beginning. Okay, they have the hammer but are still digging. Are there two? The guard has told Bishop about an intruder and Jordan warns Cade. He hides as Bishop enters and slips out, but is spotted by two guards. They give chase but another wormhole appears and Cade is sucked in.

Bishop tells Speidel that his security head said they were digging in the wrong place. Bishop is taking over the dig. Eddie and Jordan are talking; Eddie thinks Cade must have got out, but Jordan says the connection went to static. They need to keep going anyway. Eddie goes to speak to Speidel who says that there was an energy field in another part of the yard and they’re moving. Eddie says that would be consistent with Speidel’s theory, but then starts to fail utterly when Speidel talks about Eddie’s previous digs. Eddie excuses himself.

Jordan spies on Bishop in his tent. He’s speaking to Mabus; Mjolnir is a Gua device. She heads to find Eddie and says they have to find Mjolnir before the Gua. They are being watched, however. Jordan speaks to Speidel; supposedly, Leif Erikson sent a ship ahead using the power of the hammer to move through time and space but this offended the gods and they sent a ball of fire down to strike the hammer. Eddie announces that he has some strange EM activity, then tells Jordan more quietly that the readings really are strange. The only time he’s seen anything like it are in Gua pockets. At this point, his cover gets blown, as the location of the person Eddie is impersonating has been found.

Cade is stuck inside some sort of Gua pocket by the sounds of it, and it seems Mjolnir is the only way to get him out of it again. He’s unable to help, so Eddie and Jordan have to deal with the problem themselves.

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