Star Trek: Enterprise – Carpenter Street

“Carpenter Street” is episode eleven of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise.

A man is in his apartment on what is definitely Earth and definitely not present-day Earth. He gets a phone call and is asked by the caller if he’s made his selection. Yes. The caller will be expecting him. Money is the same as last time, but be careful with the sedative; he nearly killed the last one. The caller is a Xindi Reptilian.

The man pulls up by a couple of prostitutes; he wants the second one, not the first. She remembers him from the clinic. He remembers her name and blood type. He sets off, drives a bit and pulls over, the drugs her unconscious. The man arrives at a rundown warehouse, that has higher security than it looks. He gives his name, Loomis, drives in when the gate opens and takes the woman inside, placing her on a bed next to others, hooking her up to an IV and monitoring equipment, then takes some money and leaves.

Captain Archer is getting a snack from the kitchen late at night when Daniels appears. The captain says their mission has changed a lot since they last spoke. Daniels doesn’t know any more about the Xindi weapon than the captain; history doesn’t mention any conflict between the Xindi and humans. The events are the result of a temporal incursion and the outcome hasn’t reached them yet. The captain says the man the Suliban work for told them about the weapon; should he be believed? Daniels sees no reason not. Daniels is there because three Xindi have been detected where they shouldn’t be. Detroit, Michigan, 150 years ago.

Archer heads to see T’Pol and tells her about Daniels. There are three Reptilians on Earth and Daniels wants to send the captain and one other person back. Apparently, he can’t get permission fast enough for himself. T’Pol would have thought he had all the time in the world. The Reptilians have been on Earth for two months and they need to find out what they’re doing. Daniels wants them to meet him in the command centre tomorrow; find something to wear that won’t stand out in 2004.

The captain tells Trip on the way to command centre what they’re doing. T’Pol meets them; she and Archer enter the command centre and arrive on Earth. T’Pol comments they have travelled 90 light years; she’s going to wait before asserting they’ve travelled in time.

The first step is to steal a car. The first without an alarm has a wheel clamp; the second a dog. Third time lucky. T’Pol asks the captain if he can pilot a vehicle from this period. He replies he can pilot a starship. Not an answer; space has less things to crash into. T’Pol has devised a search grid based on a map from 2002; she thinks they will find the Xindi before the grid is complete. However, the car is low on fuel; where to get it isn’t a problem. But they need money. T’Pol thinks that will be difficult. It isn’t; Archer uses future tech to jack an ATM.

Loomis heads to an apartment and tells the man there, there was a mistake at the blood bank; he was given the wrong papers to sign. Loomis has been sent to take him there – at 11 o’clock at night – and give him $25.

T’Pol is asking the captain about fossil fuels when they get a ping. They park up near the Xindi warehouse and detect three Xindi and five humans in another part of the building. The captain tells T’Pol to set her phase pistol to kill; stun had no effect on the Reptilians that boarded Enterprise. They are surveying the building from outside when Loomis is spotted turning up with a man inside. Loomis takes his latest kidnappee inside. There’s no money this time; the Reptilian, who Loomis can’t properly see, say that he will be compensated for the last three at the same time. Loomis wants to wait; people are getting suspicious and it will be quickly tracked to him. The Reptilian offers to double his fee. Loomis is more willing now.

The Reptilians are apparently in the past developing a bioweapon using the data gathered in “Rajiin”. Having them succeed would not be good. Only Trip and Reed other than Captain Archer and T’Pol appear in this episode.

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