Star Trek: Enterprise – Broken Bow, Part II

“Broken Bow, Part II” is episode two of season one of Star Trek: Enterprise.

In the previous episode, “Broken Bow”, the Klingon Klaang was taken from the Enterprise by Suliban. They had headed to Rigel looking for him, but both Archer and Hoshi were taken by more Suliban. This episode opens with them being taken to a cell where Trip and T’Pol are already imprisoned. Hoshi is put inside as well but Archer is taken away, then the Suliban leave him.

A woman approaches and asks Archer about Klaang. He was hoping she would tell him, as Klaang was taken by Suliban. The woman wants to know where Archer was taking Klaang. Home. They were taking him home. The woman kisses Archer, then changes into a Suliban. He comments that’s never happened before. The woman, Sarin, says she has the ability to measure trust but it requires close contact. She was a member of the cabal, but no more; the price of evolution is too high. Klaang was taking a message to his people that Sarin gave him. Suliban are attacking the Klingon Empire, making it look like one faction is attacking another. Klaang was taking proof to the High Council. Without it, the empire would end up in chaos. The Suliban are merely soldiers fighting in a Temporal Cold War, taking orders from the distant future. Sarin can help, but they don’t have a starship. Archer does. Other Suliban attack and they flee, getting the other three on the way, but Sarin is shot and killed.

Outside, there’s a blizzard and Archer contacts Reed who is back in the shuttlepod with Travis. Reception is poor. Travis can’t isolate human biosigns. Reed suggests he try Vulcan. Travis says he’s found T’Pol; she’s at the shuttlepod’s window. T’Pol gets knocked down and Archer goes back for her. During the escape, Archer is shot in the leg and T’Pol contacts the Enterprise. She’s taking command.

Trip and T’Pol have to decontaminate; Phlox says the captain will be okay. Trip queries T’Pol. Isn’t she just an observer? No-one told him she was a member of Starfleet. Her Vulcan rank is higher than his and T’Pol is certain his superiors will support this. Trip says she must be proud of herself; she can put an end to the mission whilst Archer is in sickbay. T’Pol, with some justification, thinks the mission has put an end to itself. Trip says Archer deserves the chance to see the mission through. Comparing him to his father, who the Vulcans never allowed to even try.

The captain awakens in sick bay; Phlox has used an osmotic eel on his leg top cauterise his wound. He was sedated. Trip and T’Pol arrive. They confirm they’re underway. Archer asks how long before they return to Earth. They’re not going to Earth T’Pol replies. They’re tracking a Suliban vessel. She and Trip modified the sensors and can track the warp trail. Archer thought T’Pol considered this to be a foolish mission. It is, but as acting captain she was obligated to anticipate his orders. Archer states that as acting captain T’Pol could have done what she wanted. Trip tells him that modifying the sensors was T’Pol’s idea.

In his quarters, Archer is recording his log. Stopping to muse on T’Pol’s actions; he doesn’t believe they sound very Vulcan. He’s also not telling T’Pol about the Temporal Cold War; instinct tells him not to trust her. Then the ship comes out of warp. T’Pol contacts him and tells Archer that is he’s feeling well enough to come to the bridge, now would be a good time.

They’ve arrived at a gas giant. The Suliban ship passed through the outer radiation belt and their war trail has dissipated into fragments. They’ve lost the Suliban. T’Pol has an idea; the warp trail fragments turn out to be from 14 ships in the last 6 hours. She believes they have found what they are looking for.

The Suliban leader, Silik, reports to the figure who is presumably from the future. He says he will destroy the Enterprise before they locate the Helix. The figure didn’t plan to involve humans or Vulcans. Yet. Sarin’s message cannot reach Qo’nos; if the humans have it, they must be stopped.

The Enterprise is heading into a gas giant to face what may well be a superior force of Suliban who, as T’Pol had pointed out, have access to more advanced technology. Their ship doesn’t even have shields yet; only hull plating. Not a great position to be in.

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