Special Unit 2 – The Wall

“The Wall” is episode nine of season two of Special Unit 2.

A young couple are making out in a school at night. The girl hears something and then the boy makes out it might be the ghost of a dead student who was found in his locker. The locker is empty. The head to shop to continue and are caught by the custodian. He isn’t impressed. When they leave, he hears something and opens a grate in the floor. Then keels over and a claw puts the grate back.

Kate wheels an old man in a wheelchair into a room, who says they’re confusing him with someone else as Nick is strapping on a flamethrower. Kate asks Nick if he’s sure. Pretty sure. Nick uses the flamethrower on the man, who is definitely a link. Then Kate’s pager goes off. Nick suggests it’s Theresa. She wants to go to the high school reunion. Nick bets Kate was unpopular. He wants her to pick him up as his car is in the shop. They go back and forth until the link tells them to shut up. He did it, he ate all the pets.

Kate thinks Nick wanting to meet Theresa is the only reason he’s going. Nick says she has to face her fears. It’s about personal growth. Kate eventually agrees. Nick knew he’d get there. Yes, but she made him work for it.

Captain Page is going fishing for two days, without a phone or pager. When he’s gone, Jonathan says he hates fishing, explaining the only time he did. Nick wants Kate to pick him up at four.

They’re setting up for the reunion at the school. A claw tries to grab a man, but doesn’t.

In the car, Kate is freaking out. She has nothing in common with her classmates. And can’t even talk about work. Nick is still talking about Theresa and looking through Kate’s yearbook. Theresa is the only senior not in.

They arrive and Nick goes in. Then drags Kate in. The greeter is talking away; she doesn’t remember Nick. He says he never went to school there. He’s just with Kate. Boo Benson, apparently. Kate already needs a drink. Nick asks about Jimmy Green, who wrote a death threat in Kate’s yearbook. She lists a few reasons why. Kate orders two vodkas. And whatever Nick wants. They speak to David, who is apparently successful with a cable movie. Kate is the reason for his success. She gave him the idea at graduation.

Nick wants to know what happened at graduation. Then a woman comes over. Theresa. Nick was hoping it was her. They head to dance.

Kate enters a corridor and sees Jimmy apparently struggling with an open locker. He’s pretending there’s a monster in the wall. He still bears a grudge over graduation. When Kate goes, a monster drags him into the locker.

Page is at his cabin when he hears a sound. Carl is outside. He fell asleep in the captain’s trunk. Page threatens to kill him and bury his body outside.

Kate is in the bathroom when she sees what looks like blood dripping. Then Jimmy’s body falls from the ceiling. She drags him into a cubicle as two women enter.

Nick is dancing with Theresa when Kate drags him away. She takes him to see Jimmy Green. She’d introduce Nick, but Jimmy is dead. No, she didn’t kill him. Nor was it another student. Kate explains in high school she saw something. A link, though she didn’t know what it was at the time. It lived in the walls and never bothered anyone. Graduation was the first time she saw it around other peoples. She told everyone and they panicked. Why is it hurting people now? Nick brought his service revolver, but left it in the car. He didn’t think he’d need it. And it ruined the cut of his jacket. They head to get it, but the doors are sealed.

Kate and Nick are sealed inside the school, along with everyone else, and a hostile link. And they show a clip of graduation. Captain Page is in his cabin along with Carl. He has a much better time.

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