Space: 1999 – New Adam New Eve

“New Adam New Eve” is episode six of season two of Space: 1999.

Alpha’s sensors and scanners are suffering from some sort of magnetic turbulence. There’s a planet beyond, then one of the women faints. Most of the others are affected, too, but not as badly. The turbulence decreases, and a man appears on the main screen. He says he is their creator.

The man disappears from the screen and appears in the Command Centre. He says they don’t need to bow down and adore him. Not that anyone showed a sign of doing so. He doesn’t blame them for their doubts; the imaginative works of fiction called religion have clouded their minds with false gods. He is the genuine article. They should discuss this over a meal. A table appears. The man acknowledges Koenig’s comment about it being old fashioned, though disputing when, and a woman appears with a tray of drinks that can provide sustenance for a month.

None drink. He says that Earthlings were always the most sceptical of his creations. He and Koenig are verbally sparring, when he says that force has always impressed them in the past. Destroying an Eagle on a pad. The commander admits the man has a great deal of power. Who is he? Magus. Their creator. They’ve squandered their resources and fought wars and now he’s going to give them a second chance. A new Earth, a new Eden, to begin again. Showing them images of a plant.

Magus says their wanderings are over. The planet is small, but perfect, as is its sun. Tony wants a look around first and Magus agrees a team may visit, picking the commander, Dr Russell, Tony and Maya. Them or no-one. Magus offers to transport them but the commander insists on taking an Eagle. Magus agrees. Then transports the entire Eagle to the planet. Which causes a loss of communication with Alpha.

The planet seems good and Koenig wants a team to examine it all. Magus tells them no-one else is coming. They are the new Adams, the new Eves. The others will be taken care of, then the Moon will move on. Koenig pulls his laser, but Magus makes it appear in his own hand. Then uses it on himself, to no detrimental effect.

Magus has planned the pair bonding. The doctor and Tony; the commander and Maya. For genetic benefits. This does not go down well. Magus tells them not to leave the clearing. And they can’t communicate with Alpha. Magus glances at the setting sun and excuses himself. It will be nice to have a Moon.

The Eagle vanishes, but Maya says it’s still there, just dispersed. They discuss Magus; he has godlike powers but his methods are suspect. It turns out Magus has also set it up so that if the wrong couples come into contact, they get a nasty shock. They’re also having their feelings manipulated.

There are other creatures on the planet that Magus didn’t mention. Alpha is trying to launch an Eagle, but can’t get it off the pad. Magus does seem powerful; he just doesn’t seem to be a god. Or the god.

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