Space: 1999 – Journey to Where

“Journey to Where” is episode three of season two of Space: 1999.

Alpha is receiving what is described as a neutrino transmission from Space Station One, Texas City, Earth. They lose contact and Commander Koenig asks Tony about neutrino transmissions. Tonys says research had just started when they were blasted from orbit. The commander asks if it could have been done in the time since. Yes; they’ve been in space for months which would be decades on Earth.

Contact is regained with a Dr Charles Logan. It’s 2120 in their terms and in 72 hours a galactic eclipse will cut them off from Earth. But, in that time, they could be transported back to Earth.

Maya confirms the eclipse and when it takes place communications will be lost for a century. Yasko, someone new (replacing Sandra), says that she’s getting construction details for the transference dome. Logan asks if the science officer is ready. The commander tells him no. Then asks some questions about Earth to see if he knows the answers. He does.

Maya finds Tony experimenting with a still making some alcohol for the celebration. She pretends the drink turns her into Mr Hyde. Logan is concerned because they now only have 60 hours.

Alpha receives a new transmission, in which it’s explained what Texas City is, that no-one goes to the countryside because they can experience it virtually and that pollution destroyed the countryside. That’s why they built the metroplexes and retreated to them. Who needs nature?

Logan is irritated because with less than 30 hours left Commander Koenig demands that test instruments are sent through first. Dr Russell has equipped a test instrument so that it seems human. Logan is told they are ready and then receives a warning. He tells the commander there’s a warning of quakes in the Gulf of Mexico. Koenig asks why there isn’t much warning; when they left, their instruments could have done that. Logan says theirs are better, but that area of Central America is still too unstable to make exact predictions. Yes, it could affect the calculations, but Logan won’t delay the test because it’s only a test package.

The package arrives and the commander asks if the quakes pose a risk. They do, but whether or not it’s taken is up to Koenig. They can transfer three at a time. The commander, doctor and Alan choose to go through. During the process, earthquakes hit; Logan says it’s too late to abort. The three leave Alpha but don’t arrive at Texas City. Instead, they come around in what appears to be a forest. Even though there are no longer any such on Earth.

Logan is trying to work out what happened and Tony wants to know, but Logan’s equipment was damaged. Alpha has a reading on their lifesigns though.

Dr Russell doesn’t look too good and Alan is failing to light a fire. He suggests they find shelter. People in the trees watch them leave. The doctor thinks she may have a cold, but after the germ-free environment of Alpha, even a cold could be lethal.

Logan doesn’t know where they are. Alpha knows the doctor is running a temperature, and she’s not doing so good. They’re running out of time to get the three back and there are human-looking people who don’t seem friendly wherever they’ve ended up.

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