First Wave – Requiem

“Requiem” is episode seventeen of season three of First Wave.

Eddie and Cade are in Eddie’s trailer. Eddie is on the Raven Nation site and is asking Cade of he’s sure he wants to do this. Cade is; he has to warn Raven Nation that, in the previous episode, “The Vessel”, Mabus took over Jordan, and the only way to do that is in person. Eddie says he doesn’t know what the four generals look like, only their names. They go ahead.

A man receives a Code 13 on his computer and is packing up when Jordan – Mabus – arrives. He’s Smythe, one of the four generals, and assumed Jordan activated the failsafe plan. Mabus wants to know how to get to the failsafe point. Smythe realises that Jordan isn’t Jordan. It does him no good, and she plants devices on his head and questions him about Code 13.

Cade is dwelling on Jordan being taken, and that he was unable to shoot her, as he arrives at the failsafe location, where the four generals of Raven Nation can command the counterattack against the Gua. He enters an underground bunker using a retinal scanner and a man points a gun at him, accusing him of being Gua. There’s a woman, Sullivan (Kendall Cross) there as well. The man is Tanetti; both are Raven Nation generals. Sullivan convinces Tanetti to stand down, that Cade is Cade and that only the genuine article could come in. It looks like something is watching them from above.

None of the generals have met each other before; they run separate cells. They expected to see Jordan; Cade tells them she’s not coming and that she didn’t send the Code 13. Then the power goes out. They go to check on the generator; it looks sabotaged. There’s another armed man there too; Kendricks, another general. Kendricks tells them the power was knocked out by a timed detonation; someone was expecting them. The supplies have all been cleaned out. How did anyone get past the retinal scanner?

Cade explains how Mabus has taken over Jordan’s body. They don’t believe him. How do they know Cade hasn’t been taken over? If they don’t trust him, that’s fine, but don’t trust Jordan either. She and Smythe are the only others who can get in. Tanetti decides it’s a trap – accurate enough, probably – and is intending to leave. Sullivan follows him. Tanetti is stopped by the entrance door, with the power out. If there’s no manual override, they can’t open it. Sullivan heads back to warn the others.

Cade and Kendricks are searching the bunker. Cade has found something; it looks like a piece of dead skin. Tanetti is working on the door, and it seems something is watching him. Something drops from above; an eyeball. That’s one way of getting past a retinal scanner. Then Tanetti is knocked down by something.

Sullivan has found Cade and Kendricks when they hear a scream. Tanetti has had the same devices planted on his head as Smythe did, by some sort of strange creature. The creature runs off and Cade and Kendricks follow. They can’t find it, though. Because it’s blended, perhaps even merged, with the wall. They head back and Sullivan tells them Tanetti is dead. And the stuff smeared on his face is toxic. Cade finds the eyeball in Tanetti’s hand. It is a trap. Kendricks says they need to find a strong position and fortify it.

Looking at the plans of the bunker, an old army depot, Cade says that the creature isn’t Gua. Something else. The skin he found is like that of a snake. It could be a Gua experiment with hybrids. Sullivan has found some antitoxin. Forty-year-old antitoxin, admittedly. So, they are trapped in an underground bunker with a creature that can hide without detection. Not a great place to be. And Cade isn’t the target. Raven Nation is, and the three surviving generals are the ones who know everything about the organisation.

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