Extant – The New Frontier

“The New Frontier” is episode five of season two of Extant.

Velez and Toby are discussing the hybrids. 58 women have died from early pregnancies, meaning there are 58 potential hybrids out there. And they’ve vanished.

JD is with a woman when Molly turns up at his place. He wasn’t answering his phone. There was a reason for that.

Ethan is cleaning his scooter when Lucy asks about Molly. Though Charlie said Ethan’s memories of Molly were a glitch, Ethan doesn’t believe so. Molly had a picture of him, the sort families take. Lucy says they’re hiding something. Did Ethan leave the message like Lucy told him to? He did. Then molly will come looking for him.

In the previous episode, “Cracking the Code”, Molly had discovered ‘ETHAN WAS HERE’ written on the bathroom mirror. JD thinks it could have been a prank. Except Gina’s memories of the time have been deleted. JD says it would take a techno-nerd to erase Gina’s memories, and they often forget the old school methods of police investigation. Like fingerprints. Who is Charles Arthurs?

Lucy is in a club, scanning temperatures. She finds a hybrid – their boy temperature is noticeably lower than humans, lures him into the back and, despite being disarmed, kills him. This was a sim. Julie thought Lucy might have hesitated, given that Charlie installed the compliance limiters to ensure Lucy follows orders. Except Charlie didn’t. Not that Julie knows that.

Julie’s boss wants a word with her; they know Ethan disabled his GPS and went somewhere whilst Julie was away. Perhaps they should install limiters on Ethan too.

Velez tells Toby that there’s been a breakthrough on the virus team. What Molly did – that Velez was dismissive of – helped. It’s like she reached into a box of junk DNA and pulled out a decoder ring. The team could use Molly’s help, but she never showed up to work. In Toby’s office, Velez is telling him they need to live their lives with some normalcy. They could quit, have babies. Toby thinks that sounds insane. Likely not the best response.

Julie is having a go at Charlie for not telling her about Ethan’s trip and asking where he went when visitors arrive. JD and Molly. There’s an answer. Molly says Charlie broke into her apartment and wants to know if Julie knows anything about Ethan. Then Ethan shows. Molly hugs him and says she’s missed him. Ethan says he does know her. Molly says she’s his mother. Ethan says Julie is. That is not going to go well. Julie calls 911 and says she has official documents from HomeSec giving her Ethan. Julie is not making the situation any better. JD suggests they’d better leave.

JD says there’s no way that Charlie and Ethan orchestrated Ethan’s taking on their own. Molly agrees; HomeSec is involved. But there’s a missing piece. Julie is trying to explain to Ethan why she erased his memories. That doesn’t go so well either.

Molly plays the last voicemail she got from John to JD. JD recaps what happened to her and Molly finishes it off. JD says that no-one is that unlucky, not even her. Molly says not unless John’s death wasn’t an accident. She wants to hire JD to look into it. JD isn’t keen.

Molly then heads to see Toby to ask about Ethan. He knew. No, he didn’t have anything to do with John’s death. Molly will not help with the virus, and will in fact go public, without Ethan. Despite what JD said, he heads to a friend to look into John’s death. He has the car’s black box.

Lucy is convincing Ethan that they can only trust each other. She may have a point, but she’s also a bit worrying. Molly herself is getting even more worrying. It looks like carrying a hybrid, and surviving the ordeal, may have changed her.

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