DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – The Justice Society of America

“The Justice Society of America” is episode two of season two of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

In the previous episode, “Out of Time”, Rip scattered the Legends throughout time, with the exception of Rory who was too wounded, as the Waverider was about to be hit by a (ridiculously small for the era) atomic bomb. After Oliver Queen and Dr Nate Heywood found the Waverider in 2016, they managed to recover all the team except Rip from various points throughout history. It turned out that Damien Darhk has a partner with whom he attempted to destroy New York City for Nazi Germany – Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash. The man just won’t stay dead. At the end of the episode, the Legends were confronted by members of the Justice Society of America who want them to answer a few questions.

The JSA tell the Legends that they are coming with them. Nate says to one of them that he’s Commander Steel. The JSA want to know why the Legends were impersonating OSS agents. Professor Stein explains that they were protecting Albert Einstein from being kidnapped by Nazis so that he could be forced to build a atomic bomb in the future. Nate says that time travel is hard to explain; Steel replies that they can take all the time they need. In custody. Then punches Nate. This quickly degenerates into a battle between the JSA and the Legends although Jax says that Stargirl – the teenage superhero in a unitard – is just flirting. The JSA quickly mop the floor with the Legends.

At the JSA HQ, the Legends are now locked up, arguing, and the JSA are watching them argue on CCTV. Rex Tyler is there as well and he says he has never laid eyes on the Legends before. He’d remember if he had. Before anything is done with the Legends – such as the suggested dropping them into a hole or committing them to Bellevue – Rex wants to question them. In the cell, Nate tells the others that the JSA were tracking the Legends because they are the JSA – the single greatest secret force the country has ever known. Sara asks how, if the JSA are so secret, that Nate knows about them.

No, it’s not because of Commander Steel’s suggestion that Nate Nazi handlers told him about them. Nate replies that he’s a historian. When the comment is made about that time travel nonsense again Nate stats a series of numbers. 07 02 33. These numbers mean something to Steel. They are on his dog tags, and the numbers are not disclosed in any documents, military or otherwise. Nate has Steel’s dog tags around his neck. In 1955, Steel gave them to his wife when she gave birth to his son. Who then passed them down to his own son. Nate.

In Paris, Thawne is meeting with some Nazis. He wants an item but is told it’s in Berlin. The Fuhrer refuses to part with it. Thawne has something he says is more valuable. The JSA are basically supersoldiers; to win, the Reich needs its own. He has a sample of a serum, enough to dose one person. A proof of concept.

Back in New York, the Legends have been released. Rex doesn’t know them and wants to know what they are doing. When Sara starts explaining, Rex tells her he was speaking to the team, leader. Professor Stein. Stein explains that they identify aberrations in history and correct them. When the team are asked what their qualifications are, Rory tells them he’s a criminal. When asked if there are any other felons, Rory suggests Sara, as she’s an assassin. But never convicted. So technically not a felon perhaps.

Rex wants to know how the Legends know his name. Because he told them. When Rex appeared at the end of “Legendary”, he told them that they had no idea what they were up against. If they returned to 1942, the consequences would be catastrophic. Before Rex could explain any more, he fizzled out. Back in 1942, the president calls the JSA and Rex tells his team that Baron Krieger has been located in palace. The JSA can handle this – i.e., it would be better for the 20th century if the Legends leave it.

On the Waverider Ray is talking about the JSA’s teamwork and Jax agrees. Sara asks other than discipline, a fancy HQ and calls from the White House, what do the JSA have that the Legends don’t? Ray replies an actual leader. Stein believes there was a reason why Rex thought he was in charge; Jax, probably accurately, points out that’s because Rex is from 1942 and the professor is an old white dude. Sara agrees that Stein can be in charge and he says the first order of business is Dr Heywood.

Nate is looking at pictures of his grandfather when Sara finds him. She tells Nate that he isn’t a member of the team and, even if he were, history is dangerous. Nate starts explaining, then comments that something is weird. Steel’s dog tags are not around his neck, and he hasn’t taken them off since he was a kid. They have vanished. Sara realises what this means – history has changed. Nate reviews his notes on the JSA and says they have to go back to 1942. Sara points out that the JSA were pretty explicit, but it seems the JSA are all going to die tomorrow.

Nate tells the others they need to head to Paris to find the JSA. Baron Krieger is known to frequent a nightclub called Les Floies Bergere. As to how they are going to infiltrate a Nazi nightclub, Stein comments that he has a resemblance to Max Lorenz, Hitler’s favourite singer. Jax speaks to the professor afterwards; he tells Stein that he is smart, analytical and deliberate – but not really suited to running things in combat.

Nate is changing when Sara offers him an ingestible translator. However, Nate already speaks German, French, Japanese, Italian and Latin. And English of course. Sara wants to know why, as Nate speaks six different languages, has a tendency to run towards danger and is the grandson of a member of the JSA, he became a historian. Nate tells her it’s a long story. As is found out later, it’s actually a very short one, that can be summed up in one word. Nate just didn’t want to tell the reason why.

The Legends manage to get into the nightclub and Ray dances with Vixen, one of the JSA. He explains that the Legends came back because the JSA are all going to get killed. Vixen asks how Ray knows that the JSA didn’t die because of his team. Ray had not thought of that. Professor Stein gets introduced to General Gerd Von Runstedt as Max Lorens; the general is apparently a huge fan. Although he thought Lorenz was taller. The general insists that Stein – Max – grace them with a song. Sara, during the song, overhears Baron Krieger talking about the Askaran Amulet and motions Stein to wrap it up. Afterwards, Stein gets a salute of ‘Heil Hitler’ but the general noticed that Ray did not join in. Which quickly degenerates into a fight. Which the rest of the JSA put a stop to by knocking everyone down. The professor explains they came back to rescue the JSA.

Rex does decide to have the Legends to be the JSA’s backup; although only because he thinks it’s the only way to keep out of trouble. Professor Stein demonstrates that when it comes to a fast-thinking combat situation, he is really out of his depth, something he fortunately understands himself. And what is the Reverse-Flash up to? Why does he want this amulet?

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