DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Land of the Lost

“Land of the Lost” is episode thirteen of season two of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

In the previous episode, “Camelot/3000”, the Legends captured Rip and put him in the brig of the Waverider. Where Gideon could hear him. The likelihood that Rip doesn’t have at least some ability to get Gideon to do what he wants seems unlikely in the extreme.

Sara and Jax are looking at the medallion. Sara wants to know if something is wrong. Jax does not believe so. But they do have an artefact from 33AD talking to an AI from the 22nd Century. Nate and Amaya enter; the other members of the JSA didn’t know where Jax were dropping each of the other members off. The last piece of the Spear is with the last member. Commander Steel, Nate’s grandfather. This means that Rip knows, which means the Legion knows. Nate is concerned because the Legion may already be torturing or killing his grandfather. Plus, all of reality is at risk. Gideon is still processing.

Jax has an idea, but Sara says if it’s to ask Evil Rip where the final piece is located, she’s already tried that. The answer was basically lots of variations on go to hell. She says they are going to leave him in the brig until they can figure out how to restore his mind. At least in the brig Rip can’t hurt anyone. Sara really shouldn’t have said that.

In the brig, Rip calls out for Gideon. She says she has been prohibited from talking to him or following his instructions. Mr. Hunter. However, Rip does have some code words. He says them, the brig doors open and doors all over the ship shut. On the bridge, Gideon apologises; she had no recourse to follow the captain’s order. And Sara realises that Gideon means Rip. Rip is currently in his secret armoury.

Gideon informs them that Rip used an override command and is heading to the jumpship. Sara wants Mick to stop Rip. That’s stop, not kill. Nate and Amaya go with Mick, to ensure he doesn’t kill Rip. Then the ship lurches. Gideon has taken over the navigation controls. Jax can stop this, but it will temporarily shut down the entire ship. Rip takes the medallion, then initiate a protocol. A self-destruct protocol. Jax now has minutes to override Gideon.

Nate, Amaya and Mick confront Rip, and tell him he has nowhere to run. He agrees – then destroys the medallion. After which Mick knocks him out. Jax reboots the ship but they are still crashing, into a snowy landscape. During the crash, something seems to fly off the ship.

The Waverider has landed in the Cretaceous period and Gideon apologises for trying to kill them all. Professor Stein arrives on the bridge; he thought Mick was flying the Waverider again. They have landed in the exact year that Ray ended up in after the time scatter in “Out of Time”. Not a coincidence; Gideon had to go to the oldest destination in her logs. Rather odd that no-one was made ill from travelling that many years. Unfortunately, they can’t time jump out. The primary temporal delineator was lost during the crash. That’s the bit that flew off. Ray heads out to find it, accompanied by Nate and Amaya.

Mick wants to know why he doesn’t get to go to Jurassic Park. Because Sara wants him to threaten Rip. That’s threaten, not hurt. Rip is the only one who can tell them where Commander Steel is. Mick asks why they don’t simply get inside Rip’s head. If only that were possible, according to the professor. Turns out, it is. The Time Masters has something that Gideon calls cognitive intrusion, where one consciousness enters another. CI devices are installed as standard on all Time Master ships. Once inside Rip’s head, they may be able to change him back too.

Outside the ship, Ray is concerned that the delineator appears to have landed in Gertrude’s territory. Still, with the weather this cold, she’s probably hibernating. Cue loud roaring. Inside, Rip is linked up and both Sara and Jax are going to go in his mind. Using a method that Rip himself considered to be barbaric and supremely dangerous. Outside., Nate and Amaya are getting closer when Ray runs through them. It seems Gertrude has picked up Ray’s scent.

Staying more than 1 hour inside someone’s head risks being permanently lost there, and Jax and Sara are given wristbands to give themselves electric shocks so they can wake up. Rip’s mind would probably be in a familiar place. Which, of course, is the Waverider. Along with Vandal Savage’s troops. And an Evil Twin of Sara. After Evil Sara is knocked down, Sara says they may encounter evil versions of the others too. Although Evil Mick will just be Regular Mick.

Gertrude, it seems, is a dinosaur. Lady dinosaurs are apparently maternal. And Ray may have eaten one of her eggs. It seems she holds a grudge. In Rip’s mind, Sara gets caught – and her virtual wristband is destroyed. Meaning she can’t get out. She is tossed int he brig where Rip is. The real Rip it seems.

Ray keeps interrupting Nate and Amaya when they get close. He explains why to Nate; he knows Amaya’s future – and has met her granddaughter (a reference to Vixen). Unlike the other Legends, Amaya has an important role in history. Also in Rip’s mind is a personification of Gideon (not the first time Arthur Darvill has met the female embodiment of a ship’s systems). Mick gives Professor Stein some advice on true partnership.

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