Babylon 5 – The Parliament of Dreams

“The Parliament of Dreams” is episode five of season one of Babylon 5.

Garibaldi is confiscating a blade from an alien visiting the station. The alien says that he needs it for a religious festival, but Garibaldi is still keeping it. Garibaldi is not that pleased that Earth Central has devoted an entire week so that every alien species on the station can demonstrate their dominant religious faith. Then Garibaldi sees a woman he appears to recognise.

G’Kar is in his quarters singing and preparing some food. He is about to eat when someone arrives at his door. Another Narn enters and says that he’s a diplomatic courier, with a data crystal that he can only give to G’Kar. G’Kar takes the crystal and, before he eats, decides to watch the recording on it.

The recording is from another Narn, Councillor Du’Rog, who says that he is dying – which G’Kar is pleased to hear – and that by the time G’Kar receives the message, Du’Rog will already be dead. But G’Kar should not celebrate, for he will be dead shortly as well. Du’Rog has liquidated his assets so that he could hire someone to kill G’Kar.

Du’Rog says that G’Kar will be dead within 48 hours, killed by someone close to him. Then another Narn arrives; Na’Toth, his new aide (the first time she has appeared, despite being credited from the beginning of the series). G’Kar’s previous aide, Ko D’Ath, died recently, and G’Kar finds her arrival at this time suspicious.

Na’Toth says that surely Du’Rog would have hired a member of the Assassin’s Guild, and such would have left a black flower by him to warn of his upcoming demise. When a black flower appears next to G’Kar whilst he is sleeping, he panics and hires a bodyguard. Which does not work very well.

Delenn is also getting a new aide, Lennier (Bill Mumy, who later appears in the DS9 episode “The Siege of AR-558”). Lennier has also been credited since the beginning of the series but this is his first appearance. Delenn instructs Lennier not to use her title or mention that she’s a member of the Grey Council.

Garibaldi tells Sinclair that Catherine – the woman he saw earlier – is onboard. They have had an on again, off again relationship for years, ever since the Academy. Sinclair goes looking for Catherine and asks her out to dinner.

The religious ceremony of the Centauri is not exactly solemn, being a feast, and oddly Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova seems to enjoy it; more than either Garibaldi or Sinclair. The Minbari ceremony is far more solemn and, according to Catherine, has two uses. What Sinclair arranges for Earth is different.

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