Babylon 5 – Rumors, Bargains and Lies

“Rumors, Bargains and Lies” is episode thirteen of season four of Babylon 5.

Sheridan is sitting in the mess hall, thinking and mumbling to himself. Ivanova, Zack, Franklin and Marcus all come in and greet the captain, but he doesn’t respond. They sit at another table and Zack says to Sheridan that he understands the captain convinced Londo and G’Kar to station the White Star fleet as a peacekeeping force along their borders (in the previous episode, “Conflicts of Interest”). Still nothing. Zack thinks it’s good news but it will be tough to get the other non-aligned worlds to go along. The others agree; they will be sure that there is a hidden agenda and won’t give the White Stars the legal authority to make arrests. Every few months it will be necessary to start over. At this Sheridan laughs. The others continue, and Sheridan sniggers. Ivanova wants to know if the captain has something he wishes to share with the rest of the group. He doesn’t. Then he exclaims that he has got it and comes over. Sheridan complains about the grief they had last time convincing the others to help – and that was with the Shadows involved. He’s tired of the hard way. There will be an easier way to convince them. By not convincing them. Sheridan wants Marcus to take three White Stars to sector 87 and wait for orders. Sheridan doesn’t know what orders but it will be great. When the captain leaves, Ivanova checks his beaker to see what he was drinking.

Sheridan speaks to Londo. He had asked to station White Stars in Centauri space to convince the others to go along with it. Now the captain doesn’t even want Londo to talk about it. In fact, if anyone asks Londo, Sheridan wants Londo to deny it. But the ships will be kept in place. Sheridan has already asked G’Kar the same thing. Londo says there are things he still doesn’t understand about humans. After getting sidetracked on the subject of humour, Londo asks how they can inspire the rest of the League to allow the White Stars in their territory when Londo can’t even tell them what he is doing. Sheridan says to trust him.

The Drazi ambassador speaks to Sheridan; he has heard about White Stars on the border of Centauri space. He wants to know if Sheridan put them there or did the Centauri ask. It’s not Sheridan’s place to comment. The ambassador doesn’t believe the ships would be there if they were not wanted, so did the Centauri ask for them. Sheridan can neither confirm nor deny this. Then confuses the conversation a bit. The Drazi doesn’t believe that the Centauri would ask for help unless they were afraid. He deserves to know what they are afraid of. Sheridan can’t say any more.

Sheridan then stops by C&C. Marcus has arrived on station; there is nothing there but a bunch of asteroids. Sheridan wants the White Stars to destroy several asteroids. Then come back. No, he isn’t going to explain why. Ivanova wants to know if the captain is alright, because it was an unusual order. Sheridan agrees that it is. He also wants to know when the Voice of Resistance is going to make its next broadcast; he’s going to pop by to see how things are going. Meanwhile he has something that he needs Dr Franklin to do.

The Drazi ambassador is now speaking to Londo. Who denies everything about asking the White Star fleet to support Centauri space and suggests the ambassador go and harass someone else. The Drazi leaves and meets with some of the other ambassadors; he says that it’s more serious than they thought. They are hiding something. Then Dr Franklin arrives; he just wants to inform the ambassadors that he is going to ask their governments for additional blood supplies for each race. How much? As much as they can spare. No reason. It’s just a good idea to have the blood on hand in case, well, you know. Something happens.

So, the White Stars are blowing up asteroids in the middle of nowhere and Ivanova reassures everyone that absolutely nothing happened in Sector 87. Which is true. Londo is denying needing the White Star fleet, Sheridan is refusing to confirm or deny that anything is going on and Franklin needs a lot of blood. The League ambassadors start getting very paranoid, ‘seeing’ invisible enemies everywhere. Enemies they can’t stop. Perhaps they need the White Stars.

Delenn’s White Star is in hyperspace. Lennier has had difficulty getting through to Minbar; the primary beacon is no longer transmitting. He has had to get local broadcasts from the orbital beacon. That doesn’t sound good. Lennier says that there is fighting in the capital and concern that it will spread to other cities. Civil war has started. Yes, definitely not good.

Delenn is worried that she caused this when she broke the Grey Council. Lennier replies that Valen said the council would be broken but Delenn says that they know the truth – Valen only knew what Sinclair knew and could not see beyond that. Lennier feels the problems were already there. Lennier says that the Takari has been signalled and is waiting their rendezvous. Neroon has been contacted as well.

Neroon is on the Takari when Delenn arrives; he considered not coming but he does enjoy a mystery. Although he was disappointed by the reception he received from the religious caste; he thought they might fire on him. Delenn wants to speak to Neroon alone about the fighting back home. He asks if she isn’t worried about being alone with one of the warrior caste. Delenn says yes – if it was anyone else. As to why, come with her and find out. After they leave, some of the religious caste are worried; Lennier tells them to trust Delenn.

Delenn wants Neroon’s help – even though he points out that in “Grey 17 is Missing” he fought to take control of the Rangers. Delenn says they are not friends, but Neroon’s actions have always been to do what is right for their people. Neither the religious nor the warrior caste can be allowed to win. Neroon believes that Delenn should have thought of that before breaking the council. What’s done is done. Delenn has questioned everything about Neroon, except his loyalty. A compliment? Of a sort. Neroon thinks it’s too late; the fire must burn itself before the sides will listen to reason. He is horrified about what’s happening as well, but what can the two of them do against a world gone mad? Nothing, according to Delenn – until they get both sides’ attention. Both Delenn and Neroon risk alienating their entire caste. He will give her his support – for now.

The other members of the religious caste are worried that Delenn is going to surrender to the warrior caste. They can’t act against her, but they do decide to do something stupid. Neroon looks to be up to his own game – but neither he nor Delenn has said exactly what they plan to do.

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