Babylon 5 – All Alone in the Night

“All Alone in the Night” is episode eleven of season two of Babylon 5.

Ambassador Delenn is briefing Lennier. She has received a message from the Grey Council; now that a new leader has been chosen, the council wish to see Delenn to discuss her status, and whether she will continue being a member of the council. Delenn tells Lennier that she is leaving and may not return. Lennier asks why the council would remove her from the station; Delenn tells Lennier to look at her. He responds that who she is a matter of soul, not of flesh. Delenn made her decision, and will now face the consequences of it. She feels alone, but Lennier assures her that she will never be alone.

Ivanova is briefing Sheridan in C&C, as ships have reported unusual sightings in Sector 92. Nothing really helpful has been spotted; a bright light and turbulence and one transport disappeared off the screens. Sheridan says it can’t be raiders, as they’ve largely been put out of business, but there is something going on. With it being in Babylon 5’s area of jurisdiction, Ivanova says they should check it out. Sheridan asks about the status of the fighter wings; Alpha and Zeta wings are out and the leader of Delta wing is sick. Ivanova suggests his second, but Sheridan decides that he will go instead. He misses being out in space and, if he doesn’t get some hours soon, he will lose flight pay. Ivanova insists that Sheridan take a full escort and he utters the fatal words you should never say: What could go wrong? Elsewhere, a Narn fighter is being attacked by a strange vessel and the pilot is taken inside it.

Lennier tells Delenn that her Minbari flyer is recharged for her journey. As is his. Delenn points out that Lennier does not have a flyer; he agrees – he borrowed one from their courier. Delenn tells Lennier he doesn’t have to come, and he agrees to that as well. He is coming along anyway. Delenn asks Lennier if she has told him how much she appreciates him; he suggests that will give them something to talk about on the way.

Before Sheridan leaves, Ivanova messages him. Apparently General Hague is arriving earlier than expected. Ivanova says that if a member of the Joint Chiefs is visiting the station, she should have been informed so that he could get a proper welcome. Sheridan says the general is visiting on a private matter, and he had planned to tell Ivanova when Hague arrived, but he’s ahead of schedule.

Dr. Franklin is with Garibaldi and a pilot, Lieutenant Ramirez, arguing about baseball. Franklin bets Ramirez that Mars will get swept away when Ramirez gets informed that he is one of Sheridan’s escorts.

Sheridan’s fighter wing is not finding anything and he gives the order to return home when a jump point forms and the ship that attacked the Narn fighter exits. Sheridan’s Starfury gets damaged and he has to eject; the other fighters are either destroyed or badly damaged. The ship takes Sheridan’s escape pod on board and jumps out again. Ramirez is the only survivor, and his Starfury is badly damaged. There’s a radiation leak from the reactor that’s already at terminal levels, so he transfers power so that he can jump back to the station so they will find out what happened.

Sheridan comes to inside the disturbingly organic alien vessel, wrapped in some type of cocoon. This is the point when the probing will start – and some sort of probe does come out of a hatch in the ceiling. The Narn pilot is also onboard the ship. It appears as if their captors are running tests.

The station is looking for Sheridan, there appears to have been a shift of power among the Minbari and things on Earth are getting disturbing.

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