Andromeda – Angel Dark, Demon Bright

“Angel Dark, Demon Bright” is episode six of season one of Andromeda.

Tyr and Beka are teaching Trance how to fly in the slipstream (FTL) without Dylan’s permission. Things go a bit wrong and they exist slipstream with the engines broken and in the wrong place.

They have apparently ended up at the location of the last climatic battle between the High Guard and the Nietzscheans, which basically wrecked both sides. Only, there’s no wreckage. Which is odd, because a lot of ships were destroyed. The another High Guard ship arrives, and says that the Andromeda Ascendant has been missing for 18 months. They’ve apparently travelled back in time.

To alter history or not? Can they alter history. Andromeda gives two options as to what might happen, but I think she missed a third one. Rather early in the series to be mucking about with time travel, which tends to make for confusing episodes.

There is, I think for the first time, a reference to the date when the series is set, which puts it well over 10,000 years in the future. So it’s sort of odd that they still have records dating back that far, to pre-space Earth. Our current data storage methods are not what you would call durable by a long shot, and I would expect much knowledge of the past to have been lost that far in the future.

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