Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Leap

“Leap” is episode ten of season six of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the previous episode, “Collision Course: Part 2”, Jaco blew up Izel’s ship and May filled Sarge with bullets. This episode opens with Sarge being taken away on a stretcher; May did shoot him in the head as it appears. There are alarms sounding and Mack, Yo-Yo, Fitz and Simmons are arriving. Neither Fitz nor Simmons had seen Sarge before, and are astonished by the likeness. Mack tells Simmons that he isn’t their guy, but to do what they can for him anyway. May apparently hasn’t spoken to anyone until now and when they arrive, states she did it, because it had to be done.

Daisy is first to question May, and tells her she can’t shoot a guy ion holding then go silent. Silenter. May asks if she knows what he is and Daisy says that she knows what Sarge is capable of, that he isn’t Coulson. That he probably deserved it. But May isn’t a vigilante and that’s not what they do. It’s extreme. May replies that it’s time for extreme.

Mack can’t blame May but he tells Yo-Yo he needs to hold her to account. Yo-Yo can understand wanting to prevent future suffering. May’s done it before – and she isn’t the only one. Mack knows. He thought he was finally getting to know May and goes to look at the security footage. Piper arrives; she cannot believe it. Nor can Yo-Yo.

Simmons is working on Sarge when Fitz arrives with some stuff. The resemblance to Coulson is disturbing and making him freak out a bit. Simmons is freaking out about something else too. Sarge has a pulse. Fitz asks why Sarge is taking so long to die; he was shot four times and lost almost all his blood. That’s the thing – Sarge isn’t dying. He’s getting stronger.

Daisy leaves May and speaks to Yo-Yo and Piper. May’s reason for shooting Sarge was she isn’t a fan. Yo-Yo asks why a gun though; May doesn’t like guns. Daisy agrees; May would beat someone to a pulp in a heartbeat, and probably enjoy it. Piper, too, says guns aren’t May’s thing. They all trained with her, they know what she’s like. Piper is going to head to May’s quarters, Daisy will retrace May’s steps and Yo-Yo will talk to her. The first thing May asks Yo-Yo is why she is locked up and how she got there. May remembers leaving the party and the next thing she knew was being in holding. Yo-Yo asks if May remembers shooting Sarge. That would be a no. Piper has run into something, which she shoots at.

Deke asks Fitz if Sarge has been moved to the morgue. Probably not, but Fitz says that he has. Fitz is trying to work out what is going on. Coulson interacted with the monoliths, Izel is searching for the monoliths and Sarge was searching for Izel. But how are they related? Piper enters and they ask if she noticed anything about May. Piper says not, but she guesses that May will be fine. She’s probably right. Piper sneaks off a sample of Shrike crystal whilst she’s there.

May tells Yo-Yo she remembers heading for her quarters, but doesn’t remember if she got there. She does remember meeting Davis. Daisy has stumbled across blood, and finds the woman who had been guarding May. It seems highly likely that something is jumping from body to body.

Mack has gone to see Simmons; Sarge’s wounds have now all healed. Mack doesn’t think it makes sense. Simmons asks when they expected things to make sense around here. Mack wants to post a guard but Simmons doesn’t want one; she wants as few people to know about Sarge as possible. Both agree he’s dangerous. Sarge is having some sort of memories of a woman, although he can’t make out any features.

Yo-Yo and Daisy have headed to see Davis. He blacked out and the first thing he saw when he awoke was May. She was sweet. They wonder if sweet has a different meaning, because nobody would describe May as being sweet. Piper is using the Shrike fragment as a sort of compass when Deke stumbles across her. Davis says the last thing he remembers was him and Jaco heading to find Izel. He glimpsed her, then nothing. And that was actually the last time Izel was seen. It seemed too easy, blowing her up on the ship. Deke is questioning Piper about the Shrike crystal – then Izel jumps from Piper to Deke. Yes, Izel’s ‘kill’ was far too easy.

Mack is told and, far from thinking it’s crazy, locks down the Lighthouse. They have problems, though. They are trapped in the Lighthouse with a woman who could be hiding inside of any of them. Once inside someone’s body, Izel can control them completely. She simply seems to lack her host’s memories. Who to trust? So, who is Izel and what is she after? More is revealed about the origins of Izel and Sarge, and what Izel is after. In the post-logo scene, Fitz has some speculations as well.

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