Warehouse 13 – Secret Service

“Secret Service” is episode two of season five of Warehouse 13.

In the previous episode, “Endless Terror”, Paracelsus’s alteration of history had been undone, and the Warehouse returned to normal. He was once again captured and bronzed. However, the Benedict Valda from that alternative timeline – the original timeline’s version having died in “Buried” – had managed to survive its removal, using the same method that Artie and the others had used to survive Paracelsus’s alteration of their timeline. Not that anyone knows Valda is still around. The original Valda was perhaps not the nicest person; the alternate version went way beyond that.

This episode opens at the B&B with Claudia looking at the report of the accident which killed her parents – and supposedly her sister – with Jinks. Claudia is still not happy with Artie having hidden the truth about her sister Claire’s survival, but she also says that the car accident was a Warehouse case. Given that the car collided sidewise with a tree – when the car was stopped. Which is – normally – a little odd. Claudia plans to decrypt the Warehouse files – so Artie is going to show her the files himself. Only they aren’t files; they’re Artie’s memories. It was his case and he was there when the accident happened. They begin at Claire’s school, where it seems that Claire has gone all Carrie. Claudia finds out just why Artie considers Claire to be so dangerous, and it’s not a happy revelation. Claudia wants to find out everything about her past.

Myka is talking to Mrs Frederic about her health. The latter asks if she has considered children. Myka says that she does not have kids on her mind, even if she had someone she wanted to have kids with. Pete suggests himself – without any physical interaction of course.

In Washington, D.C. two men are talking after playing a game. One states that fracking is absolutely safe. Then starts coughing up liquid. Pete and Myka go to Washington and meet two Secret Service agents they know. The dead man was only a lobbyist, but there were a number of VIPs around him when he died, so the Secret Service is looking into things. Biological agents and terrorism are being considered – the deceased was also coughing up sand. Until any fears of terrorism can be put aside, the other agents will be working with Pete and Myka.

The lobbyist was only the first victim. The next is a senator – who also drowned. On dry land. The lobbyist was involved in natural gas, as was the senator. Both seemed to be not exactly environmentally friendly. Perhaps someone took objection to that. Both seemed to have drowned in sea water. Both were working on the same bill. There were others working on the bill – and those others are possible targets. Pete and Myka get suspicious of the other two agents – but what they think is happening is not remotely the case. It seems the agents have just got married and were keeping things quiet. Their relationship makes Pete and Myka think about their own. The next death seems to be completely unrelated to the others. The deaths are connected, but not by fracking.

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