Warehouse 13 – Regrets

“Regrets” is episode ten of season one of Warehouse 13.

This episode opens in a club, although the colours are off. A man is pushing his way through the crowd and he looks troubled. Then a young woman approaches him and asks if he wants a drink. He turns it down, saying that he has been sober for years. To which she responds that he probably had enough on the night he killed her. In a car accident.

The man is actually in a prison and is hallucinating. Under the effects of the hallucination, he backs away from the dead woman, tumbling over what he thinks is a low railing but is actually on a walkway in the prison, resulting in him falling to his death.

Back at Leena’s, Myka has received the report from the Secret Service regarding what happened in Denver and the agent involved shooting (which she hasn’t yet been able to open) when Pete enters and says that they are going to prison. Specifically, Riverton prison in Florida.

There have been four suicides there in the past month, yet none for the two years previously. The warden is herself new, having taken over after the previous warden died – a month ago. The latest suicide had just had parole granted and all four where model prisoners, none of them showing any of the typical signs of suicide.

There is a link to a preacher, a murderer who is in for the brutal killing of his wife, Reverend John Hill (played by another Eureka actor in a different role, Joe Morton who plays Henry Deacon). He also seems able to sense Pete’s regret over the death of his father.

After they arrive, Myka hears voices and then sees the dead agent from Denver, who was her lover even though he was married. His death is still affecting her. Pete sees his fireman father, who died on the job, and is the reason why Pete always listens to his feelings, as he had a bad feeling that day.

There’s a tropical storm heading in and Artie says that this will amplify the effect of the hallucinations, making them seem more real. Given that they already seem quite real, this is not a good sign. The prison had trouble for many years, with inmates going insane and a riot during a storm which nearly destroyed the place and caused it to be shut down. It reopened under the late warden, and never had any problems since. Whatever caused the problem, and whatever fixed it, needs sorting out as all the guards and inmates start being affected, causing another riot.

Back at the Warehouse, Claudia is doing inventory, which she finds boring. One of the bulbs is flickering so she asks Artie for the cherry picker to fix it. Artie refuses, saying the bulbs never fail, and have been going for 108 years. Claudia, who has already shown a willingness to repurpose artefacts, finds Alessandro Volta‘s lab coat, which increases the magnetic field and puts it on, using the magnetic effect to climb the shelves.

The problem is that the coat attracts other metal objects, starting with smaller ones such as paperclips but getting larger. And the Warehouse is full of objects made of metal – including the Warehouse itself.

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