Warehouse 13 – Insatiable

“Insatiable” is episode ten of season three of Warehouse 13.

In the previous episode, “Shadows”, it was revealed that the person, Walter Sykes, who is attacking the Warehouse and its Regents – he has killed another one – had an artefact taken from him as a child, partly due to Pete’s mother. Said artefact was allowing him to walk; without it he is back in a wheelchair. It seems he bears a bit of a grudge. Now he is going after Jinks, as he believes that he is a potential weakness, after he was fired by Mrs Frederic in “The 40th Floor”.

The episode opens in Ithaca, New York and a couple are making out in a car in a park when they hear a groaning. The man goes to investigate, despite what the woman wants. Whatever the man sees causes him to flee in panic, eventually running into the back of his car, covered in blood. Then something goes after the woman as well.

At the Warehouse, Pete is not pleased that Artie let his mother walk out of it. Artie says that he doesn’t have authority over Jane – she is both a Regent and the Guardian – and security is being upgraded. Pete and Myka are sent to Ithaca to investigate the ping. Claudia is spending some time away; Artie hopes that she will get over Jinks being fired. He’s been worse than fired – he’s been declared persona non grata and had his credit rating and passport ruined. Claudia is at open mic night. She is approached by a member from a band which has lost its lead guitarist and he wants her to replace him. Claudia has been trying to get hold of Jinks, but he’s been avoiding her calls. When he finally answers, he’s not very nice, and then Claudia gets a fortune from a fortune-teller artefact (one of the old coin-op booths) telling her that death will come for her that night. Then something nearly falls on Claudia’s head. This is only the first thing that nearly kills her. Things are acting oddly at the Warehouse, including with the computers – probably related to the still-undiscovered electronic insects released into the warehouse at the end of “Don’t Hate the Player”. However, the accidents around Claudia aren’t restricted to the Warehouse.

In Ithaca, the two who were making out were both bitten – by a human. They are alive and Myka asks whether he thinks vampires or werewolves are responsible. She’s joking of course; she says they don’t investigate fairytales, just artefacts. Even though they have already come across Cinderella’s knife. Pete and Myka go and investigate, in the dark, and Pete is rather more concerned about the situation than Myka. Myka is right though; it isn’t werewolves or vampires. It’s zombies. They stumble across one eating a deer. Pete wants to shoot the ‘zombie’ – Myka says he’s just someone affected by an artefact. He isn’t acting like a typical zombie though, but Pete is definitely convinced he is one. So Myka tries to get Artie to confirm that the undead do not exist. She doesn’t get the answer she expects, but they aren’t truly undead. The man is really cold, despite being in the middle of a heat wave.

Artie flies out to help and it seems that whatever is happening is spreading. Okay, it’s not a zombie apocalypse, but people are getting extremely cold and extremely hungry, eating everything. And trying to eat people if they can’t find anything else. Then one bites Pete and he, believing in zombies, thinks he’s going to turn into one, and asks Myka to put him down when he turns. There doesn’t seem to be a connection between the two known ‘zombies’ and eventually they are going to die. Artie is left babysitting the son of the first man. He’s not very good at it.

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