The Flash – True Colors

“True Colors” is episode thirteen of season four of The Flash.

In the previous episode, “Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash”, Warden Wolfe discovered that Barry was the Flash and took him to a meta wing before calling Amunet Black. Now, the warden is explaining that this is his own private wing to Amu8net, and introducing Becky Sharpe, Mina Chaytan, Sylbert Rundine, Ramsey Deacon and Barry and describing their powers. She will take all of them.

Ralph arrives at his office and discovers someone he knows, Earl Cox, asleep there. Earl has got a score for them. Ralph isn’t interested; he’s changed his ways and has friends now. Earl tells Ralph that eventually he will let them down.

Iris and Cecile head to Iron Heights to see Barry. The warden is telling them that Barry is in isolation for a week, but Cecile can read his mind.

They tell the others at S.T.A.R. Labs – Harry is on Earth-2 – and try to work out what to do. They can’t breach to the meta wing so how can they stop Amunet? Ralph arrives and is complaining about Earl. And shifts into him. Iris thinks Ralph can shift into Wolfe and meet Amunet to call off the whole deal.

Barry fills in the other metas about Amunet. They have to get out.

Marlize is telling DeVoe that Amunet is wrecking their plans. What should they do? DeVoe doesn’t know. But he seems amused. It’s not what they are going to do; it’s what Barry Allen is going to do. Which is currently blocking the toilet.

When the toilet is fixed, Barry takes two batteries from the maintenance man’s walkie talkies.

Ralph is trying to turn into Wolfe with coaching from Caitlin and Cisco. He eventually manages it, then falls over. Not used to the body.

Barry gets out of his cell, then frees the others. Becky wants to stay because she doesn’t want to hurt anyone else. Barry says they are all leaving, and if Amunet sells Becky, her powers will hurt a lot of people. They need to get out and get away from the meta wing so that they can get their powers back. But if they use them for crime, the Flash will run them back.

Marlize has augmented DeVoe’s chair. And has a melody running through her head. It makes it difficult for him to read her mind. Perhaps on purpose. She denies that.

Ralph heads to meet Amunet as Wolfe, with Joe coaching him. Unfortunately, he’s not very much in control of his powers. This doesn’t go so well. Ralph believes that, like Earl said, he will eventually let them all down. So, he needs breaking out of that. And Marlize seems to be uncertain of her husband.

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