The Flash – The New Rogues

“The New Rogues” is episode four of season three of The Flash.

This episode opens three years before the present. A man and a woman are in an old building; the man has a new suit on. He is wondering what size rock to put around the woman’s neck. Then Leonard Snart and several others walk in. Snart is not happy. He told the two, Sam and Rosalind, to sit on their cut for a while and wait until things cool down. They tell him that some people like to spend the cash they get from jobs. Not, according to Snart, the ones they do with him. Sam says that Snart couldn’t have done it without them, and no-one in the city can stop them. Including Snart.

Snart asks if they are out then and Rosalind says she guesses so. Then Snart pulls a gun, and there is a brawl between Snart and his people and Sam and Rosalind. Snart knocks Sam into a mirror and points a gun at his head as Sam is sprawled out on the floor on a mirror. Three years ago is, of course, when the particle accelerator exploded. Which it now does. Snart tells his people to leave and Rosalind is hit by the dark matter, knocking her over Sam. When she gets up again, the mirror is still there but Sam is not. In the present, two men lift up the mirror; the place is being cleared out for demolition in a month. One man sees Sam in the mirror and touches it – and Sam grabs him by the throat, stepping out demanding to know where Snart is.

At S.T.A.R. Labs everyone – including Harry Wells and Jesse, who are still in-universe after the previous episode, “Magenta” – is watching the footage of the death of Edward Clariss in Iron Heights. ‘Alchemy’ was the last thing Clariss said before he died. Harry gives some options as to other people who might have killed Clariss. Then says that he and Jesse need to return to their Earth. Jesse wants to train; she still has a lot to learn after all. Her father’s words she points out. Harry had accepted that Jesse was a speedster after all and had given her a new outfit.

Jesse and Barry train in the accelerator whilst the others monitor it. Jesse is nearly as fast as Barry; her father wants to test her reflexes. Inside the accelerator, Jesse tries to copy something Barry did and falls off the ceiling. Barry tells her that it’s more than powers, it’s precision. That it will take more than speed, you have to think, anticipate, case a new environment. Which sounds very similar to what Oliver told Barry back in “Flash vs. Arrow”. Which Barry suddenly realises, saying he’s become Oliver.

After the training, Jesse speeds off with Wally. Caitlin asks Harry if he’s sure he has to leave and he replies that there is still a lot to fix on his Earth. Cisco tells him that he has more fun fixing stuff on their Earth. Caitlin tells Harry the team won’t feel complete without Harrison Wells. So Harry says they can change that. There is a whole multiverse of Harrison Wellses out there; if they want one, get one.

At the precinct, Cecille has come to see Joe; no-one at the DA’s office has heard of an Alchemy. And it wasn’t a problem bringing the stuff over herself. If there’s anything else she can do, Joe should let her know. It looks as if Cecille might want to help Joe with non-work-related matters.

Barry and Iris are at home making out when Joe’s key goes in the door. So Barry speeds around altering things. After Joe goes upstairs, Iris asks Barry why he did that. Barry didn’t Joe walking in on them because he’s Iris’s… he’s Barry’s… he’s Joe. Iris wants Barry to talk to her father about them kissing. Barry is sure that won’t be awkward at all.

That night at a bar, one of the men who was with Snart three years ago is suddenly confronted by Sam. He says he doesn’t know where Snart is. Sam grabs him and throws him into a mirror – and the man lands outside. The next day at the precinct the man says he fell out of a second story window after being thrown into a mirror. Joe tells Barry that Sam is going after everyone in Snart’s old crew trying to track him down. Barry tells Joe that Sam isn’t going to find Snart, as Snart is gone. Joe asks Barry what he means. Barry thought he had told Joe; Oliver told him that Snart left with some.. friends of theirs on a… trip (in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Pilot: Part 1″). Joe doesn’t even want to know. Then Barry speaks to Joe about Barry and Iris. Because he doesn’t want things to be awkward. Like the conversation they are having.

Harry, Cisco and Caitlin are working on Harry’s idea. Harry has a satellite and he says that it’s like going fishing. You need a lure to attract fish and the satellite is their fishing bait sending tempting bait into the world’s largest ocean. Cisco is going to open a breach, the satellite will fire a laser through with a message that any universe advanced enough will be able to receive. The message is a test for everything the team needs, to pick a Harrison Wells that is right for the team. Or, as Caitlin puts it, an intergalactic IQ test for Harry’s doppelgangers. The breach is opened, the laser is fired. Now? Now, they go get a Big Belly Burger.

Sam travels using mirrors and Harry beats Cisco to a name – Mirror Master. Probably because Harry had a Mirror Master on his Earth; not a meta but someone who used a gun to make everything 2D. Joe is heading to Iron Heights to interview someone as all of Snart’s other associates are dead or AWOL. The person at Iron Heights is Rosalind; she can induce crippling vertigo in people. Joe, accompanied by Cecille, is trying to interview Rosalind but Rosalind is not that interested in talking. So Joe and Cecille start leaving, talking about IOUs, when Sam appears in the cell and walks into the cell’s glass with Rosalind and disappears. Back at their old place, Sam thinks no-one in the city can stop them now. Rosalind tells him that one person can – the Flash.

Jesse is still a bit green when it comes to the whole superhero thing. She also likes Wally – and Wally likes her, but she’s going home soon to another Earth. Harry’s lure gets four responses. Three Wellses are a bit odd and get rejected. Caitlin and Cisco like the fourth – saying he’s nice and not evil; not a combo they’ve had before. Harry isn’t so sure.

Before the end, a need for something very cold crops up. At the end of “Paradox” it was revealed that Caitlin was getting Killer Frost’s powers. Something she hasn’t told anyone yet. So far, she seems to be suppressing her powers as much as she can. What will happen if she uses them deliberately?

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